Looking to sell Coon Creek Campaign hat

Started by smoke, September 07, 2014, 10:31:44 PM

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I recently picked up some Spanish American War stuff from Capt. Lee Bishop.  The Coon Creek Campaign hat is just to big for me.  I wear a 7-1/2 and this is loose on me.  I would estimate it to be at least a 7-3/4.  There is no size on it.  The hat is in really nice shape but the liner is a bit loose.  It does include a set of hat cords as seen in the pics

You can see the pics here....http://www.cascity.com/forumhall/index.php/topic,52812.0.html

Coon Creek charges $75 for these.  I need $50 on it...shipping will be extra.

I would prefer paypal but can do a USPS MO

Thanks Rich


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