Boys and a suitcase

Started by RobMancebo, March 24, 2014, 11:21:08 AM

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Here's a tale to lighten your day- 

Boys and a suitcase
by Rob Mancebo

I knew a gentleman who grew up in Texas near the King Ranch.  Of course, the way I hear it, most anywhere in Texas is near to the King Ranch.  He said that, as boys, they'd take their .22s and go camping on the King range on weekends or make trips there over the summer.  Now they weren't supposed to be there.  Ranchers naturally don't want local boys on their range where they might cause damage or get hurt, but the good natured manager used to let them know where the hands would be working so that they could make sure and not get caught.  It seems as though they had a grand time shooting rattlers and potting jackrabbits.  He said that a couple of boxes of 22s would keep them entertained for a weekend.  He must've learned to shoot pretty well because he entered law enforcement and was on the 'Governor's 50', as one of the top 50 shooters in the state.   
But this isn't a shooting story.  This is a tale he told of what sort of mischief a couple of Texas boys can get into when they find an old suitcase and decide to get creative. 
Well he and a friend were bored.  It was a summer and there wasn't anything going on.  They were wandering around, checking out the dump, when they happened upon a perfectly good suitcase.  It was a nice big one that still latched and everything.  They were talking about what they could do with it when his friend had an epiphany and told him,  "I know where there's a skunk!"     
So they took that nice suitcase along and found that skunk.  With the case spread open like a trap, they managed to ease on up and catch the skunk without getting it too excited.  He claimed that a skunk won't spray in an enclosed space because it knows it will suffocate.  So, once they had it in the case, they were more or less safe.  Then they wandered down the dusty Texas road until they came to a narrow bridge across the river and they set the suitcase down alongside the road as though it might have fallen off a passing car. 
Their trap set, they rushed to the brush and watched. 
A few cars passed by without interest.  After a while, though, an old Ford wagon puttered on up.  It made it about a third of the way across the bridge before stopping and backing back up next to that suitcase.  A passenger got out and looked around to make sure no one was watching.  Sure that the coast was clear, the man picked up the suitcase and brought it into the car.  The car resumed its course onto the little bridge. 
Halfway across the bridge, the tires screamed as the car lurched to a stop.  Doors sprang open and four men bailed out of the car and over the rails of the bridge into the river.  Still in gear, the Dodge sort of rolled on without guidance until it nosed off the road and hung up in the brush on the far side of the bridge. 
As the boys rolled around laughing, the skunk climbed down out of one of the sagging car doors, looked around as if wondering where everyone had gone,  and waddled away. 

Silver Creek Slim

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
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