Schofields, barrel length and BP

Started by Cowtown, October 13, 2015, 10:43:58 AM

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I have discovered LOTS of great reading here that pertains to the techniques to get the Schofields (Ubertis) to run reliably while shooting BP.

In these threads I have not found any discussions on how barrel length might affect the reliability of BP loads, if at all.

Any ideas?


Old No7

Quote from: Cowtown on October 13, 2015, 10:43:58 AM
In these threads I have not found any discussions on how barrel length might affect the reliability of BP loads, if at all.
Any ideas? Thanks.

The Velocity & Accuracy? Sure thing.

But the Reliability?  Not in my experience.

How you prep the BP reloads in the cases -- regardless of the barrel length -- would impact the reliability.

Just my $0.02.

Tight groups,

Old No7
"Freedom and the Second Amendment...  One cannot exist without the other."  © 2000 DTH


Barrel length in a revolver has no measureable affect on fouling.  Thus, no effect on reliability.  The Uberti has no gas ring so the fouling blows out of the cylinder gap directly onto the cylinder base pin.  Nothing much can be done about that.


I was thinking a longer barrel might have some effect on the powder burn time or burn rate behind the bullet. As it would take a bullet slightly longer to leave a 7 inch barrel over a 5 inch barrel - perhaps there would be a more complete powder burn yielding less residue in the gun itself. Maybe black powder doesn't work this way or the difference would be so negligible it would be splitting hairs anyway.


If it ain't burnin it is probably goin out the end of the barrel. wM1
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.


Normally, Immediately following ignition, ALL the powder IS burning.  Whether it is making velocity or pretty fireworks is a result of barrel length. 
In regard to a pistol barrel, as noted by Pettifogger, barrel length will have zilch effect on fouling.  The Uberti Schofield has no gas ring so
your going to get fouling no matter what you do.

Doctor!!  My arm hurts when I do this (raises arm).  Doctor says "don't do that".  Doctor!!  My Schofield fouls the base pin and locks up
when I shoot BP in it.  Doctor says:  Don't do that.


Sacramento Johnson


I was able to get an Uberti made, S&W New model #3 in 45 colt to run with my 45 colt Goex BP rounds without the cylinder locking up, or sticking, even with the tiny cylinder bushing, for enough rounds to shoot a match and then some, without having to stop to clean or re-prep.   I initially prepped the gun with straight Ballistol, inside and out, and covered the cylinder pin itself and the exterior of the tube it slips into with copious amounts of Bore Butter.  The grip design made it uncomfortable to shoot, though, compared to my Ruger old model Vaquero in the same caliber, and the clean up was more labor intensive due to the design of the cylinder and needing to unscrew it to get it off and clean it and the lock on the top strap.  I have since decided it's a smokeless gun now!

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