03 Project Update

Started by cpt dan blodgett, March 08, 2014, 12:27:31 PM

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cpt dan blodgett

At winter range handed over the wood, receiver, new DCM barrel and all the parts to Glenn Stolle of Sabre River Gunsmithing Prescott AZ to assemble and finish chamber.  The same guy who did my 98 Krag rebarrel.  Will probably have him mail the rifle back to me, diesel to pick it up costs more than postage and I avoid 5 miles of really interesting dirt road.  I may make the drive anyway as JG Sales is in Prescott, who knows what treasure I could find there????
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Texas Lawdog

JG Sales is a must when you are in Prescott, Saloon Row for afterwards.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
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Professor Marvel

Oh my yes, it's like a candy store ... J&G currently has a seemingly limitless supply of really pretty swedish mauser stocks for ~ $34 ....
prof marvel
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praeceptor miraculum

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
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Professor Marvel's
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Since 1822
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cpt dan blodgett

got a call yesterday.  The 03 is ready, decided to have it mailed, my check was in the mail within 5 min of getting the call.  Will post pics when I get it.
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Going to bring it to the Muster and play with it?
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

cpt dan blodgett

if I ever get to a muster both the 03 and the 98 krag will attend
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cpt dan blodgett

Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
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cpt dan blodgett

Normally I get my Hi Power slings from Champions Choice.  Do you folks think that would be a good source for a sling for the 03, or do you have another recommended source.
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
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Irish Walt

For the 1907 sling, you can't go wrong with Turner (except the Biothane one, I didn't care for it); I usually pick them up from either Creedmoor Sports or Champion's Choice (or, there's a local guy that makes them).  It all depends on what you like, but for competition, I prefer the adjustable cotton slings (like used on the M1G); faster and easier for me to adjust on the line.

Oh, and nice-looking '03  ;)  If you need any stripper clips for it, ones made for a Swedish Mauser (6.5x55) work great; you can get them from a variety of places such as these:




cpt dan blodgett

I have a few left over from my High Power days used both for Pre 64 Model 70 Match rifle and to keep bolt from closing during cleaning on M1 and M1A.  Really need to have more especially if I make it to a muster.
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