You dropped your what???!!

Started by Red Cent, November 27, 2013, 10:27:34 AM

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Red Cent

I posted this on the Carolina Cowboy wire. It was posted to evoke conversation and wisdom. This not meant to be anything more.

The SASS wire has been rather boring for a number of years. Ahhhhh those heartwarming discussions were information filled. But, alas, people like Manatee, Phantom, Rowdy Yates, and other notable contributors to the wire have mellowed or maybe took a long trip.

But never fear a new controversy has arisen from the ashes. There is much to do about picking up a dead round.

We have, through experience, learned that if you lose a round you go to the belt. At first, one did the kneejerk reaction and tried to recover the round. Soon this no-no was firmly imbedded in our subconscious. Looking back, it seemed to be a sensible rule taking into consideration that there were feeble competitors that had no business getting on the ground nor was it sensible to let a tenderfoot attempt to recover a round while holding his shotgun aloft and, hopefully, pointed downrange.

Some person suggested that we change the rule and allow anyone to recover any round. Using a tiresome cliché, I stepped outside of my box and considered the consequences if any. After some thought, I concluded that it is a waste of time. After someone realizesthat going for that lost round will probably take a lot more time than going for the belt, the shooter will begin the same process of training to go for the belt.

In the meantime, newbies and those frail of mind might be waving barrels around and I would anticipate a number of SDQs. And I must, with a smile, point out that it will take months for us not to shout warnings at those who pick up a round from the table, much less grovel in the dirt for the lost round.

I understand this will be proposed at the next convention. True?
Life is too short to argue with stupid people and drink cheap booze
McLeansville, NC by way of WV


Well, I might try to grab a round that was still in the air. But, if I ever got down on the ground to pick up a round, I might have to complete the stage from the prone or sitting position, my fight against gravity being considerably less able than years ago!  :-\ :P
Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Red Cent

For those of us who have trained our subconscious, we would go for the belt and forget the dead round. And, yes, TrailRider I would need an assist up also. Maybe we could finish our stage on the ground.
Life is too short to argue with stupid people and drink cheap booze
McLeansville, NC by way of WV


Howdy Red Cent, yes this is being proposed. Alota SASS folks have been trying to get rid of it for years, reason being that there are rules already in place should you point the gun in an unsafe manner. Another reason is because it is allowed in Wild Bunch. SDQ • Violation of the 170° safety rule/ Failure to manage appropriate muzzle control.

Wild Bunch Handbook page 23;
8. Ammunition or magazines dropped or "ejected" by a shooter during the course of
loading or reloading any firearm during the stage may be recovered and used.

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.............Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

Red Cent

I agree Jefro.
My point is that the original rule was installed to keep people from being dangerous no matter the rule. I do not think it is wise to encourage someone to stoop over and try to grab a round in the heat of the battle. You know what that adrenalin rush can do to some folks.

I shoot with the Carolina Cattlemen's Shooting and Social Society and I understand the original rule will be enforced. Seems most of the members do not think it to be safe either.

In the running of the stage, the rule wouldn't matter to most of us. We wouldn't waste the time to try to recapture a bouncing round. We would immediately go to the belt.

I hope the proposed rule doesn't cause undue safety problems. Other than that, SET 'EM UP AND LETS SHOOT!!
Life is too short to argue with stupid people and drink cheap booze
McLeansville, NC by way of WV


It's on the ballot for a vote.  I'm going to the Convention.  I have talked to a lot of people and I think the vote will be close.  There are a LOT of people that don't think picking up rounds dropped on the ground is safe.  If the proposal is amended to limit it to rounds that fall on a table or shelf and can be picked up easily, it stands a better chance of passing.

Red Cent

The old rule can get confusing. Is a 3 position fumble OK if you catch it before it hits the ground? Can I shuck a round from the shotgun and catch it?
A number of reasons the WB allows you to pick up a mag or round. I always carry six mags or more if the stage requires more than three reloads.

And a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Jefro. I intend to plan a trip up and shoot with you guys. Do you have some pictures on your computer? I would love to have some.
Life is too short to argue with stupid people and drink cheap booze
McLeansville, NC by way of WV

John Smith

As the Wild Bunch shooters keep telling everyone, It's not SASS with 1911s.  With that in mind why are we citing WB bunch rules and trying to impose them on SASS matches?


Howdy Red Cent, Pettifogger......I agree it's in yer subconscious to just go for the belt, and probably faster....and no, we don't need folks crawling around on the ground after a dropped round. As to the 3 position fumble, that's a dead round once it leaves the shooters control. You can put your hand up to the chamber and remove a round from the chamber and reuse it, but once you loose contact with it it's dead.
RO I page 19...24. Ammunition dropped by a shooter in the course of loading or reloading any firearm during a stage or "ejected" is considered "dead" and may not be recovered until the shooter completes the course of fire.
I'm sure one of the reasons it's allowed in WB is the clearing of a 1911 jamb and being able to pick the mag back up and continue on with the the 97 is already loaded in the mag tube. What I do is carry one or two mags with just one round, so I can quickly clear a jamb and get on with stage......and I have a four shell SG slide on my belt in case I eject a shot shell out. I've only had to use the single round mag twice, it really helped in smoothly finishing the stage.

Howdy John, there's been a movement to remove this from SASS since I've been playing (bout 10 years).....long before sanctioned Wild Bunch came along. It has long been the thinking of why have a rule for muzzle control and one about a dropped round. Those folks think the 170/muzzle control SDQ rule is enough......that a shooter should be able to recover a dropped round and safely maintain muzzle control at the same time....if not then a SDQ. I can live with it either way. So far we have been able to change horses on this at our WB matches, only during the very first matches were spotters almost ready to holler "DEAD ROUND" ;D Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

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