What is going on with Kirst????

Started by Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks, April 13, 2013, 07:56:04 PM

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Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

Seems to me Kirst has a "problem" and the folks there do not know how to solve it!  I ordered Kirst Konverters for one army '60 and one for a '58 Remington... that was on 7 January .... We are now approaching the end of April and I still do not have what was ordered.  Appears that maybe head management needs to get a "new broom" and do some house cleaning... hard to believe that a company that only makes converters can let their supply get so low that they cannot fill their orders... something wrong with that picture... Very disappointed in a company that "I thought" had their "act" together!
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."

Four Eyes Henry

DWSA #102
SASS  #16042
BDS    #2197

He will come to your house carrying a sixpack of goodwill and joy. The Reverend Horton Heat



Just like everyone else in the gun industry we got slamed by the election!
Orders have more than doubled....capacity did not. Our staff is busy BUSY!

1860's went out in the last couple of weeks and 1858's will go out in the next couple.
We are catching up and we appreciate your patience.


Slowhand Bob

Not sure the problem but I did run into several delays before receiving my installed pair, they arrived Friday (see post elsewhere) but I understood that they even required extra (custom) machining before being installed.  It seems that Kirst is not an in house operation, he owns the designs and simply shops out the production.  I am not an insider but I get the impression that some confusion must be taking place between Kirst and the actual manufacturer/factory/machine shop??  I do not understand how this confusion in specs happens when the product has not actually changed, perhaps a new manufacturer was contracted and this caused some confusion in production???  No product out means no cash in so I would think things are being looked at, I waited patiently and now have a nice pair of guns is all that I can add.


QuoteNot sure the problem but I did run into several delays before receiving my installed pair, they arrived Friday (see post elsewhere) but I understood that they even required extra (custom) machining before being installed.  It seems that Kirst is not an in house operation, he owns the designs and simply shops out the production.  I am not an insider but I get the impression that some confusion must be taking place between Kirst and the actual manufacturer/factory/machine shop??  I do not understand how this confusion in specs happens when the product has not actually changed, perhaps a new manufacturer was contracted and this caused some confusion in production???  No product out means no cash in so I would think things are being looked at, I waited patiently and now have a nice pair of guns is all that I can add.

Hi Slowhand Bob
You seem to be confused

QuoteI have been busier than a two tailed cat and see no end soon but can say the new Hoof Hearted conversions arrived Friday but I only got to take a preliminary look at them Friday night when I got home.  The three tone look is better than anticipated with the only downside being how plain the cylinder looks, not the finish but the lack of engraving against Piettas fully engraved revolver. The fact that the original Pietta cylinder is fluted seems to break up the stark appearance.  I just might consider one of HH's suggestions as funds become more available.  It might be smarter to go all shiny, rather than all blue, since polishing the cheep engraving would likely degrade its looks further. 

Hopefully I will see some spare time in a couple of weeks for making some holsters and taking the guns out for some shooting.  I will be sure to take a few pictures as things progress further.  Until then I must jump back into the race, later guys!

Hoof Hearted does NOT work for Kirst Konverter LLC and he has NO affiliation with Kirst Konverter LLC !

There is no confusion in specs.......all converters are cnc machined. If one converter is incorrectly machined they all are (200 of them at a time). The Italian guns vary from one gun to another and from one batch to another....and one year to another. Also guns that are 10 and 20 years old are sold as new (NOS)
The good thing is that the converter can be adapted to most guns.


I am now done with this thread!
We got slammed by the gun hysteria, we're working hard to catch up, no confusion, no problems....just hard work


Good answer to all post, keep up the good work. I live in New Zealand and he took time to answer my questions.

On the point of Old stock, when buying a BP or Cartridge gun look at the letter stamps on the gun, they tell you the year they were proofed.
I have seen 7-8 year old gun been sold as new Stock.


Slowhand Bob

Actually confusion is the order of the day when the uninformed operates from snippets.  I was informed twice that my job was waiting on product and was assured that all was well.  I was told that they had  arrived and were a tad long, requiring a bit of fitting.  HH asked about my plans for the conversions to determine if said dressing would be preferred on the cylinders or the rear of barrel, I think?  Guns followed pretty quickly there after.  In my case all is well that ends well and as stated, I am a happy camper.  If anything I have said sounds like a complaint it is due to my misuse of the English and in no way should be interpreted as anything but satisfaction with Hoof Hearteds work and willingness to keep me in the loop.  Not sure who James is dealing with and was just trying to pass along info AND guesses as to what might be going on. 

Thomas (Tom) Horn aka James Hicks

I suppose some folks have their own opinions on Kirst at the management levels.  As I see it... a small business making a good product... having said that, I still say KIRST has a problem. I still think they need a "NEW BROOM", comments above does not change a thing. Inventory going so low that you cannot fill existing orders is pure bovine waste. Someone is not minding the store.  
I meant to add this in my original post ... Kirst needs to get its ADVERTIZING of product in order also. When I bought the Army 60 conversion for my first Army 60 in December last year...  it was advertised as coming with a "CASE HARDENED" converter ring. NOPE... NOT TRUE.... it was "BLUED"... there is a difference in case hardened and metal just being blued in case management does not know that. That my friends is FALSE ADVERTISMENT!  I do not buy this theme of the political atmosphere is causing the problem... we have had this man called Obama as President for four years. I learned along time ago if you surround yourself with incompetent folks... you are only a heart beat away from becoming incompetent yourself.  
"If I killed that kid, it was the best shot I ever made, and the dirtiest trick I ever did."


Just as a note here;
Case hardening does not mean the hardening that was done is done in as in as "color" case hardening.
A Time for Prayer.
"In times of war and not before,
God and the soldier we adore.
But in times of peace and all things right,
God is forgotten and the soldier slighted"
by Rudyard Kipling.
Blair Taylor
Life-C 21

Hoof Hearted

It is interesting that I was drug into this thread with a snippet from another thread in which a customer of mine touted my work. But the poster wants to keep beating that dead horse so let me help make it clear here:

Since it is so important that eveyone knows who I don't work for here is an ever growing list:

I do not work for Colt or Pietta, Uberti, R&D, Howell Old West, Midway, Buffalo Arms, S&W, the Obama Administration (and their agenda has not affected my work or work load in any way), AWA, or Remington Firearms, I am a gunsmith and I do not consider myself an "artist". I work hard for my customers and believe in doing what I say and not lying about what I do (I also don't cotton to being called a liar, or insinuated or whatever). I have no issues counting and know what my inventory is.

I work for the customer, the end user, the guy who works hard for his money and wants good, honest AMERICAN craftsmanship.
My first concern is the customer, not the almighty dollar, and so I will do everything in my power to make it right, I even fix problems that occur that are the manufacturers fault for free (although I will not Case harden rings or reblue cylinders for free).

If that is confusing and someone here feels the need to keep reminding everyone here that I don't work for them then maybe that someone has an issue or inadequacy that they should seek help for!

Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Major 2

Tom , Blair & Hoof , thank you for your posts ....

and with that   " CLICK"  :)
when planets align...do the deal !

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