Guns after a fire

Started by Russ McCrae, January 05, 2013, 12:23:09 AM

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Russ McCrae

Sadly where I lived burned to the ground today. Only CAS gear I have left are a pair of pants and some severely scorched guns. My question is are the guns repairable? They were in a safe and while damaged the action on my 1873 rifle still works and the wood isn't burnt off. I haven't tried my 1872 open tops but they're in the same condition. Are they worth fixing or did the heat mess with the temper of the steel? Thanks for any info y'all I'll try to post a pic in a bit
"What's Good For Me Ain't Necessarily Good For the Weak Minded"

"I'm an admirer of good sense wherever I find it."

SASS #93813
STORM #335

Russ McCrae

Not the best pic I'll take more this afternoon
"What's Good For Me Ain't Necessarily Good For the Weak Minded"

"I'm an admirer of good sense wherever I find it."

SASS #93813
STORM #335

St. George

Judging from these photos - I'd say that the temper of the steel was drawn by the heat.

They're not worth attempting to fix.

Sorry for your losses, but they're just 'things' - and things can be replaced.


Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Russ McCrae

Yes sir they are that, I only lost one priceless to me in this fire. A barn cat that's been there thick and thin for me ten years plus was in the shack and didn't make it... :-\ :'(

Thanks for the info, just hoping to recoup some things that were replaceable.
"What's Good For Me Ain't Necessarily Good For the Weak Minded"

"I'm an admirer of good sense wherever I find it."

SASS #93813
STORM #335

Major 2

Ah Russ..I feel your pain, my experience was two years ago almost to the day  :(
I hope you have insurance, these photos will help with the claim.

My own barn cat was able to get out unscathe (if in fact he was even in it at the time ) course he was
lost for a day, scared of the Fire Dept. etal.... that is him in the photo with a WTF look !

As to guns I only lost one SXS I was working on , but all my BP & Ammo...

when planets the deal !

Russ McCrae

Yea she was a 98% inside cat but if she got outside could handle her own. I always swore she was the last inside pet I'd own, just wish she had a peaceful death and not this  :-\.

I think the next safe will be in a conex safeguarded with lots of silica packs for rust and honesty for the politicians  ;)
"What's Good For Me Ain't Necessarily Good For the Weak Minded"

"I'm an admirer of good sense wherever I find it."

SASS #93813
STORM #335


I'm sorry for your loss Pard. The guns are bad, but the cat cannot be replaced. I'm a real cat lover too, and suffered the loss of my best friend for 10 years last year, so I can empathize with you on your loss.
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

The Trinity Kid

My condolences.  My cat was run over in October, and I was pretty upset.  I lost my favorite rifle (my dads second BB gun) in a snow storm that turned into a fire inside our shed.  Keep your chin up, otherwise you might end up looking like a hunchback.

"Nobody who has not been up in the sky on a glorious morning can possibly imagine the way a pilot feels in free heaven." William T. Piper

   I was told recently that I'm "livelier than a one-legged man at a butt-kicking contest."    Is that an insult or a compliment?

Gen. Jackson

Very sorry for your loss. I'm sure it is upsetting. But you have your life and the life of your loved ones which is far more precious than any firearm or material possessions. There is always some good to be found even in the most trying circumstances.

God bless.

Shotgun Franklin

One really good thing about being an NRA member is that I have their insurance on my guns.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Cliff Fendley

Sorry for your loss. My Moms house burned when I was young and lost a lot of family heirlooms so I feel your pain.

NCOWS 3345  RATS 576 NRA Life member

Johnson County Rangers

Lumpy Grits

Hav'n been on the scene of way to many house fires(LEO),I know well of what you feel.
Sorry for the pain you are dealing with. It will lessen some, in time....
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'



First thought:  Your still alive and breathing.  NOTHING else matters.  Well, almost.  Hated it when I lost a pet.  But that's still the good news.  The bad news is your guns are scrap.  I have had several instances where guns were brought to my shop after a fire.  All were toast.  Take 'em to a scrap yard and watch them being schreaded.  Save up and buy new guns.


Russ McCrae

I think the '73 and Open Tops are destined to be Mantle piece decorations in the not to distance future. Pops Bradley always wanted a Henry over the fireplace but I guess these will have to do  ;)
"What's Good For Me Ain't Necessarily Good For the Weak Minded"

"I'm an admirer of good sense wherever I find it."

SASS #93813
STORM #335

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