Getting out of line

Started by August, August 19, 2012, 07:49:32 AM

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You're in line at the loading table.  You load your guns.  You progress toward the front of the line.  Then.........

You realize, as you mentally rehearse the upcoming scenario, that you are not ready to shoot.  You thought you had it together when you went up to the loading table, but as your mental preparation progressed, you realize that the stage requires more mental rehearsal than you've been able to do.

What do you do?  Are there any options at this point?  How can you postpone shooting without angering the rest of the people in line? 

Is there a graceful way to get out of rotation and finished your preparations?

Thanks for sharing your insights on this.

St. George

If your head isn't in the game - you need to tell the RSO and un-load and pack up.

The shooting sports require absolute concentration - even when the targets are as large and as close as SASS' placement.

Pack up, go home and spend some quality range time on your own later on to re-focus your head.

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."


Well......  This works for me......  First MAN UP and stay in line in place......

Stages SHOULD NOT be that complicated!!!!
If some Jackwagon wants to over-write the stage......  Stand and deliver, shoot the way YOU would have written it to the simpler progressing....... HIT every Target {don't miss-I like L2R sweeps} and take the "P"...{you only get ONE per stage}...........  
Win the Truck at the NEXT Shoot!    8)

:D  :D  :D  :D   :D  

Sign up further down the line so you may watch other's first....   ;)

NRA LIFE Member     SASS #76620     SCAA #1    RATS #480    OUTLAW

"Lord, make me accurate, my aim true, and my hand faster than those who would do harm to me and mine. Let not my last thought be "If only I had my gun"; finally Lord, if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass." ...... Amen


At an informal monthly match, maybe ask the next shooter if he wouldn't mind shooting in front of you, and of course clear it with the scorekeeper.
If you're just not ready yet no harm done, unless you ruffle some gamer's feathers. 8)

I can't see how it would bother me.

Red Cent

Monthly match and no blue Cadilac, do your best and shoot safe.

A more important match, no matter what you do, other than go shoot, you will disturb the concentration of the folks at the table. 
Life is too short to argue with stupid people and drink cheap booze
McLeansville, NC by way of WV


No you won't. Just pick up your long guns (your pistols should be automatically holstered of course after being loaded) and take one step back. Now just side step to the left past all the next shooters and lay the long guns back down on the table. Now think about it all you want. This should bother or annoy NO one. If someone else comes up to load and you still aren't ready, just direct them to your right while you stay on the far left of the table. You can do this as many times as necessary up until there is no one left but you to shoot. At that point you must fish or cut bait. Shoot or unload. Shooting and taking a P is always preferable to a stage not shot aka DNS/DNF.



If this helps, I have been told I was 'out of line' my whole life ... and i am stil standing .... *S*

My moniker is my great grandfather's name. He served with the 2nd Florida Mounted Regiment in the Civil War. Afterward, he came home, packed his wife into a wagon, and was one of the first NorteAmericanos on the Frio River southwest of San Antonio ..... Kinda where present day Dilley is ...

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway." John Wayne
NCOWS #3403

PJ Hardtack

Whatever you do, DON'T leave the immediate area of the loading table with loaded guns! That's gonna cost ya ....

As for not being ready, why not? Most shoots organize a possee rotation and if it's your time to shoot - shoot. You've had a shoot copy, a walk-thru and the same time for prep as anyone else. Unless you've been busy working elsewhere, you're asking for special consideration.
A brain fade on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part, and it isn't fair to the guy behind you who has to step to the line while you get your ducks in a row.

It's a game based on a gun fight scenario, as fanciful as we want it to be. You don't rehearse gunfights, they just happen. I came to CAS from IPSC shortly after I got out of Regular Army. I regarded shooting as a martial art form. At a CAS match I got into a shoot-out tie with a guy and as I approached the stage, he was busy pacing off his steps to his staged shotgun, picking it up and pointing it through the window, etc.
The RO arrived and I told him to fuggedaboudit, letting the guy win by default. Had he elected to shoot the scenario 'cold' as I intended, it would have been a true contest. I think they got the message and he got a hollow victory.

That's when I started to dislike gamers and gamesmanship, something I thought I'd left behind in IPSC.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne


These weapons were carried for self defense, not just games, and not being ready to defend yourself was a serious matter.
When it's time to shoot, don't talk, shoot!


If they ask for counters..... volunteer!
You will see how the stage is to be shot in advance..

Vern / Foothills Drifter...

Camille Eonich

Quote from: lonedog on October 16, 2012, 05:36:03 PM
No you won't. Just pick up your long guns (your pistols should be automatically holstered of course after being loaded) and take one step back. Now just side step to the left past all the next shooters and lay the long guns back down on the table. Now think about it all you want. This should bother or annoy NO one. If someone else comes up to load and you still aren't ready, just direct them to your right while you stay on the far left of the table. You can do this as many times as necessary up until there is no one left but you to shoot. At that point you must fish or cut bait. Shoot or unload. Shooting and taking a P is always preferable to a stage not shot aka DNS/DNF.

This but make sure that you tell people what you are doing, particularly the loading table officer and the next shooter.  It's common courtesy to ask the next shooter if they mind going ahead.

When you first start competing ask that you be moved down in the shooting order until you get more comfortable with shooting earlier.  Spotting is an excellent way to learn the stage and make sure that you have it in your mind.  Quit spotting a few shooters before time for you to shoot so that you aren't rushed while loading and so that you can go over the stage a few more times in your head before you shoot.

Even at a big match if you get ready to shoot and some distraction causes you to lose focus take the time to get your mind back on the game.  They won't like you holding up the shooting so just let the next person go ahead.  I lost a second or third place finish at EoT because I got distracted at the loading table and got in a hurry.  It also cost me a spot in the ladies shoot off since I finished 17th lady overall and all 16 of the ones that finished ahead of me showed up to shoot that day. :(

"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Allie Mo

Hi August,

It shouldn't matter what type of match, monthly to EOT, if you're not ready, you should be allowed to wait until you are. Just ask the shooters behind you if they'd mind going ahead. If you don't know the scorekeeper and the posse is going in a set order, that person should be notified. Do what you need to do to get ready, then step back in line.


Allie Mo

Lumpy Grits

If you get 'out-of-line' with AM :o She then gives you "that LOOK"  :o :o that speaks 'louder', than any word ever could......... ;D
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

cpt dan blodgett

Remembering to ground loaded firearms on the loading table of course
Queen of Battle - "Follow Me"
NRA Life
DAV Life

Driftwood Johnson


What's the big deal? We seldom use a shooting order in these parts anymore. Everybody just moseys up to the loading table when they feel like it. If I was first, and had a brain fade (which happens most of the time anyway) I would just slide back to the beginning of the line.
That's bad business! How long do you think I'd stay in operation if it cost me money every time I pulled a job? If he'd pay me that much to stop robbing him, I'd stop robbing him.

Ya probably inherited every penny ya got!

Lumpy Grits

Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on December 23, 2012, 05:24:19 PM

What's the big deal? We seldom use a shooting order in these parts anymore. Everybody just moseys up to the loading table when they feel like it. If I was first, and had a brain fade (which happens most of the time anyway) I would just slide back to the beginning of the line.

Yup, it's called KISS........ ;)
'Hav'n you along-Is like loose'n 2 good men'

Allie Mo

Quote from: Lumpy Grits on December 23, 2012, 02:59:37 PM
If you get 'out-of-line' with AM :o She then gives you "that LOOK"  :o :o that speaks 'louder', than any word ever could......... ;D

:o  ::)  ;)

Howdy Doody

August, I have been thinking about your question. Yeti said my feelings "STAGES SHOULD NOT BE THAT COMPLICATED". I have gotten myself in a position like you describe myself. I have come to the stage to find I am up and I hadn't even heard the stage instructions (another reason I do not like shooting in order) and got the ammo count at the loading table and got to the line not having much of a clue what the scenario is. My method to this is to have the RO explain the stage instructions to me and before I tell him I am ready to shoot, I will mention to the RO, go ahead and coach me.
Sort of another topic here, but I do my share of timing. A lot of folks do not want to be coached and some really appreciate it if they are going to shoot at the wrong target and you can save them a procedural. So, if you would like coaching, tell the RO as you get ready to start. Just say something like "You can coach me" or something like that. You can give an RO instructions too, like if you have trouble with an ear, you can say beep my other ear or tap me or whatever you prefer.
Folks, this is a game. It started out that way and we should try to keep it that way. We should always remember to bend and help all those that are there to play for the day. I am on this stump, because in my travels I have found too many that want to way over regulate the game and try to run the posse like they were managing an office or something. Always try to give everyone a fair shake and help them have a good time and it will come around that others will try to make sure you have a great time playing the game too in a safe and fun way. Off my stump now.
So, in short (yeah right) if you are not comfortable with shooting a stage for any reason, just bow out and go to the unloading table and unload, sit a spell or get a cup of coffee or even fall in at the end of the line and shoot it when your comfort zone is there. That is my opinion and yours may vary, but having fun should be your focus, not that you got a procedural or a few misses. There is always another day. :)
yer pard,
Howdy Doody
Notorious BP shooter

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