Canteen and Belts available

Started by G.W. Strong, December 12, 2012, 09:03:43 PM

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G.W. Strong

This summer I played around with some production of canteens. I bought some civil war stainless caneen blanks and modified them for Indian Wars and Spanish American War period. I have one avalable. It is $50.00

While I was ordering the canteen blanks I also ordered a few M1874 belts and buckles as well. I have three available. They are $35.00

These are exactly the same as I used at the Department Muster this summer and they served me well.
George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

G.W. Strong

George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

G.W. Strong

One belt and the canteen have sold. There are still two belts remaining.
George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

Bow View Haymaker

"bout what size are the belts?   Any canteen shoulder straps?
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

G.W. Strong

I can do a proper canteen strap for $25 anf I have one more I can sell if you want it. The belts max out at about 50"
George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

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