My new 90's are Awesome!

Started by King Medallion, March 25, 2023, 08:23:12 AM

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King Medallion

A couple weeks ago I reported that my 1st 1890 shot real low (8") and left. Yesterday took out 1890 #2 and shot at a steel plate and put the first 3 shots in the same spot! I was floored at how accurate it was. Then shot #1 at the next plate and it did almost as good. I don't know what I was doing wrong the first time out but holy smokes they sure did great today. Got my 2gen colt out and shot a Kieth SWC with BP (these won't fit in the Remington's, too long) and took the neck off a bowling pin! Then proceeded to make that little 4" Bowling pin top bounce continuously out past 35 yards with the Remington's! My smokeless load is 6.6 HP-38, with some 250 gr Rim Rock RN bullets,just loaded it up to get rid of it as that powder doesn't seem to work well in anything else I have. Might have to buy more now. Anyway, enough babble, just wanted to report that these 2 Remington 1890's are awesome shooters. Good thing I got out shooting yesterday, as it dumped 8" of snow overnight and still coming. I get empty brass to play with today.  ;D
King Medallion
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

Rube Burrows

Nice. Glad you got them figured out and they shoot good. Sometimes we just have a weird day at the range.
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