New Smoker.....

Started by Cary Kid, March 11, 2012, 11:25:31 PM

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Camille Eonich

Glad to hear that she approves.   ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Eloy Santa Cruz

C.K. Glad to hear about your new procurement. I know what you mean about feeling like a kid at Christmas waiting for your new toy to arrive I'm the same way. They say the only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys. This is a great hobby both you and your gal can enjoy together and it keeps you at home. Good to see people enjoying retirement and the fruits of their labor.
My monikor comes from my family's former ranch Santa Cruz Farms located outside Eloy, Arizona. The Santa Cruz river runs through the land.
    " I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them" ---John Wayne in "The Shootist"

litl rooster

I want a green egg...........Some nice links there. I believe Arcey posted a link to making Pastrami from Venison a while back. It was done on the grill. I am not sure if I saved it. Will look it was interesting. I'm sure you could subsitude Beef for the Venison

watched this on Salmon yesterday
Mathew 5.9

Cary Kid

Yup, Those Green Eggs look prety slick........I'm guessing that they actually are some kind of ceramic material??????????

I don't have my new toy set up yet. I flew off on a tangent, went looking for a 2' X 6' SS kitchen prep table.......I was thinking that I would have room to put the smoker on the table, saving me no end of stooping down, as the smoker is 30" tall and I'm well over 6'..
After seeing what "Real" kitchen work tables cost today, I hit the brakes..........I have a perfectly nifty little 2' X 4' little folding aluminum table in the garage that I used to carry in my Airstream for my breakfast grill before shoots.......And dinners if we were overnighting.......That was some fun cooking back in the old days.......Well, the little table is going back to work........
When we were really gun slingers years ago Zeb, Shoshone Slim, Chicago Steeley, Windy City Kid, and I would do the not so close shoots and use my Airstream as base and bedroom.......I would be up at 5:30 starting to cook up biscuits and sausage gravy (I made biscuits at home) eggs and bacon and flapjacks.......Steeleys son Bristol Ranger always made sure we hadn't to fuss over any leftovers....You can dump food in a growing boy with 5 gal buckets....  ;D
It was back years ago that Zeb first developed "Peach Squeezins", and "Apple Pie" was right behind it.......Some of our "Apre" shoots were a scream...........Heard one little lady from southern Indy tell Zeb that he should change the name of peach squeezins to, "Liquid Panty Remover"   ;D  I durn near fell off the hickory stump I was sitting on...........
In 2005 Bristol Ranger took Buckaroo Class at the US Open, our State Shoot, in Sparta, Southern Illy.....he made all us Illy boys very proud........I was beaming at his win....We were ribbed, and Ranger was congradulated from just about everyone at the shoot.
Today, through his excellent attitude and indomnidable spirit, he's a second year at West Point Acc........What's the old saying "Them that can do, them that can't teach".......... ;D  I guess I'm just a good wheel gun teacher....... ;D........I would laugh at him as a little guy Steeley ran our shoots, I just collect money and handed out prizes.......I would give Ranger my two 4 5/8 Vaqs, with 37G of 2F behind a 200G pill, and have him shoot them for a while, several stages.......Rifle and SG as well..........I would make him use my 24" 92 what been raced, and my 20" 97 what also been raced.......So he  had all race guns, but was constraighned to fire my BP.......
I would let him shoot the last two stages with his own guns his father got him.........He would invariably tell me that next to my BP guns his gamed .357's were like shooting squirt guns.......I asked him one time, "Why do you suppose I shoot them loads?"......
His first answer was of course, "I don't know".......I would ask another time, "Perhaps you want to make things difficult for yourself."
His final answer, later that year was......."You want to push yourself as hard as you can.".................That of course was the answer I had wanted to hear, I picked him up and swung him in circles around me, then put the little guy back down.......His father would just look at the two of us laughing our keesters off and shake his head.............He asked me later, a year or so later, "Kid, why did you make me shoot all your BP rounds for at least two stages at a shoot?"
Because I want you to know that your father has outfitted you with the fastest guns in Illy, if not everywhere..............And, If you confront a problem in your shooting game, you know the problem is inside yourself, It's not your Irons little pard...........Your Irons are as slick as The Windy City Kid can possibly make them.......So are mine of course, but now you see that we both shoot an entirely different game, for entirely different reasons............Needless to say my dear Pards.... ;D   If ever need the middle of the some very nasty situation......In my house..........with a couple nastys inside my home.......I dearly hope that my Pythons feel like squirtguns in my hands...... ;D
Oh Kid, get back on track, your way off the path talking about turning little boys into Men.......Thats life my pards......We do what we do the best we can......Teaching...........Cooking...........Learning.........Protecting............Nurturing............Educating.............
Yes I'm an instructor, but I don't wish to show a bunch of 40 year olds which end of the device the bullit comes out of..........Although I have........I would rather take a Pard of mine's son under my wing, and teach him how to shoot...........Not every adult will become proficient......But, the children have a much better percentage of success if brought along with positive encouragment.......

I only wish I could be a fly on the wall in the West Point Pistol Range when they hand Ranger a pistol, and tell him to show them what he's got............ ;D  CKROTFL..............God help them when they hand that kid two 74 Colts...........
Yes, I taught him to shoot gunfighter as well as traditional...........As well as duelist and double Nauseam..............
And he always said thanks for breakfast on the road at some shoot..............

Whatever you can teach someone to make their life better, or make them a more valuable part of society........Do it if you can.......

I got to get back to makin my smoker run................. ;D

Cary Kid

Hokey Mokes.......So far I have discovered about 30 recipes for Pastrami...........Not that I think I'm going to make a real good Pastani right out of the box..........

Potassium Nitrate.......OK, put some in the brine you soak the cornd beef for a couple weeks...............Question.............
Potassium Nitrate is a 1/3 part of my gunpowder.......BP as we all know is Sulpher, Potassium Nitrate and Carbon (charcoal)......

I'm not wholy convinced I want to put that in my Pastrami...........

Alton Brown does offer some alternative suggestions to Potassium Nitrate, says it was only used to keep the meat colored right......

Gadz, what have we eaten in the past?..........................I shudder to think, but were all still here....... ;D

I think that when I go and do a Pastrami, I'm going to skip the Potassium Nitrate...........

I'll stay with the mustard at the end.............

Cary Kid

Pards I didn't die or fall off the planet.......I have every intention of taking this smoker thread to the limit.....
I just been sick as a Dawg.....Got some kind of chest congestion and throat infection I just can't loose...........

On the up side.....I have been checking out no end of recipes for smoking everything from fishies to sausage..........

I am looking forward to the end of my bugs, and gittin smokin........... ;D         

Eloy Santa Cruz

Cary Kid,

    Sorry to hear your feeling poorly. I came down with something like that right after New Years. I heard it takes a long time to kick so I never went to the doctor despite my wife's nagging. In the beginning of Feb. I became so weak I finally decided to go. Turned out I had pnemonia. Got on antibiotics and it took about another 6 weeks to get my strength back. Hope it's nothing serious and you're feeling better soon.
My monikor comes from my family's former ranch Santa Cruz Farms located outside Eloy, Arizona. The Santa Cruz river runs through the land.
    " I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I expect the same from them" ---John Wayne in "The Shootist"

litl rooster

Mathew 5.9

Cary Kid

Oh, Man...........It's like I'm stuck in a dream I can't wake up from...........
Went to my Docs, told him I needed some "Bug Killers" to git rid of what's livin in my chest and making me misserable......
Just hackin and gackin all day and all night...........Doc says to me, "Your chest sounds OK to me"............Went home.......hacked and gacked for 3 more weeks..........My anual blood test........By the way Doc, I'm still sufferin fron the chest cold and sore throat from heck..........
Spent half the day in the hospital Monday, getting tested......Breathing tests.......Which I'm sure I failed as I'm so clogged up it ain't even funny no more..........Sleepin laying down is a dream from another time....I'm sleepin settin up.......CAT scan of my chest to see if anything is wierd............I'm sure it's going to look clogged up...........I'm going to see my Doc once again tomorrow........
Can't wait to hear what he comes up with from all the tests...........I don't know where his head is at........I still think I need "Bug Killers"/ antibiotics to clear up my foobar chest and throat....................It's kinda funny how life goes......I have become rather a quiet person since my throat cancer 4 years ago, I can only wisper to be heard...........I have a hard time at public events, everyone talks right over me.....I don't manage to get a word in edgewise......And that's understandable.....My Doc of course talks right over what I'm trying to whisper to him.......Lets just say he dosen't listen well.........Or worse, he thinks he knows best how I feel...........

Tomorrow should be quite interesting, can't wait to hear what his diagnosis will be.........If he didn't find anything special with all them tests.........................I'm going to have to find a new Doc.........................
Why don't they just listen?...................

And my new little smoker is sitting in the garage feelin un loved................

litl rooster

CK Hope you get over what ever crud gotta hold of your lungs
Mathew 5.9

Camille Eonich

Quote from: Cary Kid on April 24, 2012, 06:45:31 PM
My Doc of course talks right over what I'm trying to whisper to him.......Lets just say he dosen't listen well.........Or worse, he thinks he knows best how I feel...........

Tomorrow should be quite interesting, can't wait to hear what his diagnosis will be.........If he didn't find anything special with all them tests.........................I'm going to have to find a new Doc.........................
Why don't they just listen?...................

I would get a new doctor ASAP if you truly feel he isn't listening to you and thinks he knows more about how you feel than you do.  That's not the signs that a good doctor should be putting out.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Cary Kid

He's got me an appointment with a Pulmonary specialist for this comming Tuesday, and he really wants me to persue it........
Here's the score...........
I think I have a chest infection and throat infection........
He thinks that since the Cat Scan showed clean lungs it's something wierd with my sinuses and breathing........
I got to go with his call for now.........At least give it a shot..........Gotta give the Doc his due..........I might be an extreemly hard headed boy, but I at least know for sure I'm not a Doctor...........

If I get to the other side of this thing and it turns out all I needed was some antibiotics for my chest and throat............
I will go Doc shopping.............

It's just funny to me because it feels like all the other cases of Strep Throat and chest congestion I ever had............

I'll just have to let the Specialist do his thing..........

This is right up there Pards, with blindly trusting your Investment Advisor...........   It's just durn hard to do..............

It's hard for me to simply swallow my gut feelings, and take the advise.........

Camille Eonich

Quote from: Cary Kid on April 26, 2012, 09:00:26 PM

This is right up there Pards, with blindly trusting your Investment Advisor...........   It's just durn hard to do..............

There ya have it,  I don't do that either.  LOL
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood



You might also consider an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat).  I was having terrible allergies, bronchitis and developing asthma, but went to an ENT as the next step.  Turned out that I had bone spurs closing off the sinus passages.  Long story short, the Bronchitis has gone away, allergies are down and the asthma is SIGNIFICANTLY reduced.  Basically, nothing would come out the front and it was causing lots of problems including migraine type headaches.

"He Who Laughs Last, Thinks Fastest"
SUDDS, SCORRS, Retired Warthog, Sometime Gunfighter, and Soot Deliante

Cary Kid

Pards, It's gonna be a spell before I can get back to my smoker thread.......Seems my Cancer from 2006 has come back to haunt me once more, and I have to deal with all that for a while..........
Sorry Pards......

Camille Eonich

I'm so sorry to hear that Kid but you'll be back at that smoker in no time turning out some good ribs and bbq.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

litl rooster

Best wishes to your recovery and kicking the "C" ass
Mathew 5.9

Cary Kid

I will give it my best shot.......... ;D
You can bet on that.......


I got an old New Braunfels smoker, strictly a charcoal and wood guy, I won't mess with gas or electric. It gets a good workout starting about this time every yr, when the weather starts to cool a bit. I just did a pork tenderloin and jalepeno poppers, and other than the normal stuff like brisket, roasts, chickens, etc. For Thanksgiving, I'm smoking a turkey. Got turned on to that a couple yrs ago by an old fella that goes to my church. Nothing tastes better than some good smoked turkey!
"I'm your huckleberry, it's just my game"

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