Where to buy 1873 24" Octagonal Barrel .357?

Started by G.W. Strong, February 20, 2013, 07:35:05 PM

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G.W. Strong

We have a new guy who wants to buy a 1873 Rifle, Full Octagonal 24" Barrel .357 Mag. Where would you all recommend he go for a good price, in stock and friendly service?

I honestly don't know since I bought mine so long ago.
George Washington "Hopalong" Strong
Grand Army of the Frontier #774, (Bvt.) Colonel commanding the Department of the Missouri.
SASS #91251
Good Guy's Posse & Bristol Plains Pistoleros
NCOWS #3477
Sweetwater Regulators

Michael Bear

Uberti makes one. It's just hard to find one. Dealers here in CT can't get any. At least in my area. Try Gunbroker or such, although I haven't seen any in past few weeks. A bunch of 92 Rossis though, some Winchesters and 66 Henrys, but some prices are way over my budget and I do plan to spend around a thousand. If I find some, I'll let you know. Good luck!

Six Gun Saint

Don't know where you're at, but Gander Mountain in my area just sold one not three weeks ago.  It was...  $1300 I think.  I was looking at it, and very nearly bought it, to be sure-but my budget was better spent getting ALL my gear for about that.

Uberti, as was stated, is the prime maker-Taylor's & Co I THINK have one...  Most FFL Dealers can order one for ya, for a nominal fee.

That'd be the path I'd go, if you're unable to snag one off a shelf somewhere.
The above may or may not be influenced by medications and/or alcohol...  (i.e. don't blame me if it's bad spelling/incoherent)

July 9, 2011-The Birth of Southern Sudan!

Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh, Wgah'nagl Fhtagn!

Do not believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you!-Courage Wolf

The gods only go with you, if you put yourself in their path. And that takes courage...-The Crystal Cave

Hiding won't help you, you see...  I control the bullets-I make them go where I want.

A gun's power isn't in it's muzzle velocity or caliber...-Revolver Ocelot


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