My Cowboy Fast Draw Journey

Started by TwoWalks Baldridge, February 02, 2012, 10:13:41 AM

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Hey, that's good for your first time out, you'll be in the 7s in no time. :) Remember if you get hits with 7s you'll beat the fellers that miss his 5s and 6s ;) I'm glad somebody got to shoot today, the wind was blowin' so hard it was knocking over our targets, we even had cider blocks on the stands. The last big gust took out three, so we pack it up and headed to the house :'( Good Luck :D

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: Jefro on February 25, 2012, 07:04:50 PM
Hey, that's good for your first time out, you'll be in the 7s in no time. :) Remember if you get hits with 7s you'll beat the fellers that miss his 5s and 6s ;) I'm glad somebody got to shoot today, the wind was blowin' so hard it was knocking over our targets, we even had cider blocks on the stands. The last big gust took out three, so we pack it up and headed to the house :'( Good Luck :D

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy

Thank you Jefro, sorry to hear about the wind stopping your match.  The wind was about 15 to 20 sustained here, but there were a few gusts in the 25 to 35 mile category, dang those hats sail well.   ;D

Found out a good number of the folks at my site, are national champions and they blast away in the .3 to .4 range ... those misses are my only hope.   :'(
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer


Won't lie... Everything about this sounds fun! Now if I just had a litle more time and money.....
I saw this in a movie once, and I'm pretty sure I can pull it off...

Camille Eonich

Glad that you found a game that you like to play and are having fun with it TwoWalks.   ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: Camille Eonich on February 29, 2012, 07:24:41 AM
Glad that you found a game that you like to play and are having fun with it TwoWalks.   ;D

Thanks Camille

Yes I enjoy the game of CFDA as I also enjoy SASS and other shooting sports as well.  For me it was having fun on the funds available and this fills the bill.  I now have two revolvers and will add a shotgun later this year after that working towards a rifle and then SASS here I come.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

Tall Dark Slim

I think that you're going the right route: buy once cry once. Try lots of guns; I'd dare say everyone you can until you find something that runs the way you like. Be sure to save up and get a good shotgun and a good rifle. I thought I could make a go of it with a pump rifle and a stock double...not so much. The rifle fiasco killed my stages in the beginning and the shotgun is the biggest time eater in any multigun sport so don't skimp there. This has all been said before, but bears repetition.

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: Tall Dark Slim on March 07, 2012, 09:31:04 AM
I think that you're going the right route: buy once cry once. Try lots of guns; I'd dare say everyone you can until you find something that runs the way you like. Be sure to save up and get a good shotgun and a good rifle. I thought I could make a go of it with a pump rifle and a stock double...not so much. The rifle fiasco killed my stages in the beginning and the shotgun is the biggest time eater in any multigun sport so don't skimp there. This has all been said before, but bears repetition.

Thanks Tall Dark Slim:
I know it is a different time since I was a young sprout and I have learned a few things along the way and hope to keep learning.  When I was well under 18, I got my first job sweeping floors in a machine shop.  I was thankful for the job and was not up set because the owner had a fancy car, big house and a boat.  That just gave me something to work toward.  Today it seems that folks would turn down the job sweeping the floor because the owner has a boat.

I view CAS - SASS - NCOWS - MOUNTED SHOOTING AND CFDA, the same way as my first job.  CFDA is lots of fun and only requires one revolver and one holster.  SASS on the other hand requires, 2 revolvers, 2 holsters, one shotgun, one rifle and lot of ammo.  Seems to me that way too many folks spend way too much time complaining about the high cost of SASS and all the guns that it takes instead of looking for the entry level position they can afford and working their way up.

Ends my rant for the year, I am going to be too busy enjoying sweeping the floor and my pay check to rant about the boss and his boat.   ;D
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

One of the pards in the local CFDA club has a practice range at his home.  This past Wednesday, Curly Bear and myself got to go there to practice.

I had thrown together a couple holsters for us, not great but actually not bad.  Mean while, I am working on a couple rigs that will be better.

Anyway, getting back to the practice

We ended up shooting 45 rounds heads up between curly bear and myself.  Amazing how close we were to each other time wise.

Curly Bear had 29 hits for 65% and I had 25 hits for 55% - shows we need improvement on the accuracy scale

Curly Bears fastest time was 0.685 while mine was 0.641 not too bad for the first time.

Our average shot time was, Curly Bear 0.927 and my average time was 0.809

It was almost spooky how close on every level Curly Bear and I were for the first practice.

We were both shooting brand new out of the box "Uberti Cattleman Hombre's"  and that resulted in a number of the misses or no scores we recorded.  Small things like burrs were worked on at the time we were shooting and helped improve function during the practice.  A couple of the problems resulted from not getting full cock under speed and this was probably 90% technique with a small amount being spring tension. 

Well that is about it for this practice session installment.  Will shoot the guns stock one or two more practice sessions and then do a tune up and probably a spring kit.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer


Quote from: TwoWalks Baldridge on March 17, 2012, 11:34:20 AM

Curly Bear had 29 hits for 65% and I had 25 hits for 55% - shows we need improvement on the accuracy scale

Curly Bears fastest time was 0.685 while mine was 0.641 not too bad for the first time.

Our average shot time was, Curly Bear 0.927 and my average time was 0.809

It was almost spooky how close on every level Curly Bear and I were for the first practice.

We were both shooting brand new out of the box "Uberti Cattleman Hombre's"  and that resulted in a number of the misses or no scores we recorded.  Small things like burrs were worked on at the time we were shooting and helped improve function during the practice.  A couple of the problems resulted from not getting full cock under speed and this was probably 90% technique with a small amount being spring tension. 

Will shoot the guns stock one or two more practice sessions and then do a tune up and probably a spring kit.
Dang Two Walks :o that's really good this soon. It took me months before I could get in the 6s. But like I mentioned earlier, consistant hits in the low 7s will beat alota fast guns that miss.
The Uberti Hombre's a good gun, I plan to get one to use as a loaner for the club. Try to use snap caps when dry firing, the firing pin can cause a burr on the firing pin hole that will get hung up in the primers. I know you can't use them all the time so I carry a small finish file and ceramic stone with me just in case. Another spot to look for is of course the hammer. Check for drag marks on both sides of the hammer, smooth down the inside of the frame as needed. I use a Sharpie on the sides of the hammer, then work the action and check for drag marks. A set of Gunslinger springs and that'll be a sweet pistola. Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy

ps; ok, here's another secret practice tip that will help with consistant hits. Use your finger or a Q-tip to draw a 10" circle in the target grease. Now stand 5' from the target and shoot from there. This gives you a chance to see where the misses are and what you need to work on for accuracy. Any hits outside the 10" circle will be misses at 15' & 18'. Good Luck!!
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: Jefro on March 17, 2012, 12:36:26 PM
Dang Two Walks :o that's really good this soon. It took me months before I could get in the 6s. But like I mentioned earlier, consistant hits in the low 7s will beat alota fast guns that miss.
The Uberti Hombre's a good gun, I plan to get one to use as a loaner for the club. Try to use snap caps when dry firing, the firing pin can cause a burr on the firing pin hole that will get hung up in the primers. I know you can't use them all the time so I carry a small finish file and ceramic stone with me just in case. Another spot to look for is of course the hammer. Check for drag marks on both sides of the hammer, smooth down the inside of the frame as needed. I use a Sharpie on the sides of the hammer, then work the action and check for drag marks. A set of Gunslinger springs and that'll be a sweet pistola. Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy

ps; ok, here's another secret practice tip that will help with consistent hits. Use your finger or a Q-tip to draw a 10" circle in the target grease. Now stand 5' from the target and shoot from there. This gives you a chance to see where the misses are and what you need to work on for accuracy. Any hits outside the 10" circle will be misses at 15' & 18'. Good Luck!!

Thanks for the tips Jefro.  I was going to get some of that machinist blue, but the sharpie idea will save me, thanks for that one.  I have two sets of the Lee gunfighter springs.  Plan to put those in after I have shot some more, may end up being sooner than later.

Curly Bear was the biggest surprise at this practice ... 5 of his 29 hits struck on the glass over the light, we were all surprised.  He shot his very first revolver this past summer.

I do remember what you said about accurate at 0.700 beats 0.400 misses and I have observed that first hand.  For me that made my average time and shot hits the most important scores to track.

Thanks again for sharing your experience it is helping me a lot.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Thought I would throw in a quick update:

1.  The Uberti Cattleman Hombre has given me great service so far.  Tough little gun.  I have honed some of the internals and added a set of Lee gunfighter springs.  After running about 1000 rounds through this Uberti, there is no scoring on the cylinder.

2.  I finished the holster that I did as a prototype and have now began another to correct a few things I do not like about the first holster.  When I get the new one done, I will post a picture.

3. I go to practice every Wednesday and run about 50 rounds.  Wish I could get in more days as I can see that daily practice would be an advantage in the long run. This past Wednesday ran 75 rounds.  My average time was - 0.707 up a little on the average but I was pleased with the accuracy improvement - 69% for the 75 shots.  I had 21 hits on the last 25 shots.  Now if I can carry the practices over to the monthly competitions, I will be a happy shooter.

Shoot straight and have fun.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Been having a really great time with shooting "Cowboy Fast Draw" and at 0.03 cents per shot it is a joy to my wallet as well.

Still slower than smoke compared too a lot of the shooters, but I will cut myself a little slack, a whole bunch of the folks I shoot with have been practicing for 40+ years.  This is my update after being involved for 3 months.

Results from this past Wednesday's practice session.

Hit percentage was 58% of shots fired.

Times       Hits
0.800's =  1  
0.700's =  5
0.600's =  24
0.500's =  27
0.400's =  2  These two hits put a smile on my face for two days - First Time in the 0.400's.

I still slow considerable at the competitions but my times are running mostly in the 0.600 to 0.700 range.

When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Tomorrow, Wednesday June 13th should be a very interesting and challenging day for me.

3 weeks ago, I got an infection in my right hand and wrist, the result has been no practice or shooting.  The hand has gotten better but according to the doctor it could be some time before it is normal again.  Not acceptable at all.

I have molded a Slim Jim holster I have to fit my Uberti and tomorrow I am going to practice with the left hand.

Will I be slower?
Will I be less accurate?
Will my pard Curly Bear be able to beat me?

All the above answers might be yes, but dagnabit, at least I will be shooting and having fun.

On the other hand, if any of the answers is no, I sure will be smiling.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Quote from: TwoWalks Baldridge on June 12, 2012, 10:53:42 AM

I have molded a Slim Jim holster I have to fit my Uberti and tomorrow I am going to practice with the left hand.

Will I be slower?
Will I be less accurate?
Will my pard Curly Bear be able to beat me?

On the other hand, if any of the answers is no, I sure will be smiling.

Well the verdict is in.  I am slower with my left hand and I am a whole lot less accurate...  ;D

My hit percentage was 48% and my average time was 0.735

In fairness to myself ... I practiced for a month and attended 3 shoots before I hit that speed with my right hand, so this has grown into a challenge.  I will be making a better holster for the left hand draw with help from a friend and then practicing again next Wednesday.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Yesterday was the local Sierra Gun Hawks pot shoot.  I showed up in good spirits, sporting my left hand holster.  So let the fun begin.

Just as I had figured, my left hand is not as fast and is not near as accurate.  After 8 rounds, I had not won a round.

I did get a lot of nice comments about shooting left handed and a good number that thought I was doing great.  Well if not winning a round, shooting an average speed in the high 7's to mid 8's is great, so be it.  ;)

I will admit that I did better than I thought and in 5 of the rounds I had won 2 shots, so if there is such a thing as getting close to winning in a gunfight, then I was there.

New Zombie shooter was born and was killed 8 times but is still walking and talking.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

Have not done very well at the last couple events  That is actually understated, I have done terrible.  The reality is "I have not won a single round in the last 16 rounds".  Perhaps I can place the blame on changing how I draw and shoot as it does not come natural yet.  Perhaps I am just in a slump like folks that perform any sport. 

Come on, there has too be a bright spot in anything so here is mine.

Two weeks ago, I shot against my mentor.  My mentor has been doing this for 40 years and shoot in the high .300's and low .400's.  So here we are at the practice and I am shooting against him, so what does he do?  He shoots 15 straight hits all in the mid 4's.  I went home shaking my head trying to imagine what it would be like to hit 15 straight.

Well this week I got to find out while at practice ... I hit 15 straight with an average shot time of .559.  When that 15th shot hit, I let out a loud whoop, and my mentor smiled from ear to ear.  Now we won't mention the tear that came to my eye when I missed that 16th shot.  But dang that 15th shot sure felt good.
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

TwoWalks Baldridge

This past Saturday I attended my first major match.  Shooters from Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Southern California. 

There were 40 shooters registered and reality smacked me in the face.

I placed 38th!, in my defense all four shooters I faced finished in the top 50% and the first shooter I faced finished number 2. 

They call that Luck of the Draw and this proves I have no luck, so I really need to focus on skill.  ;D
When guns are banned, fear the man with a hammer

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