hickok beware

Started by buckskin billy, June 10, 2012, 02:36:57 PM

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buckskin billy

i was out sighting in my c sharps yesterday i decieded to air out my trusty old 3rd generation colt '51 navy. standing on my hind legs at 12 paces and shooting one handed. aint the 75 yard heart shot hickok made but i'm proud of it :)

" I don't like repeat offenders, I like dead offenders"
-Ted Nugent-

if it walks, crawls, slithers or leaves a track i can tan it




I've shot the 75 yard Hickock shot on occasion. Not hard to do once you get the KY windage down....of course I never had anybody shooting back at the same time. ;)
Known to run with scissors from time to time
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