Original size .36 Remington

Started by Coyote Hunter, March 03, 2012, 09:45:49 PM

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Coyote Hunter

Some time back, a friend of mine had a .36 Remington that was smaller and lighter than the current Pietta "Navies" that seem to be .44 size New Armies. I cannot find the name of the maker as I no londer have contact with him. He was a CW reenactor. I always wanted one like it because it was a sweet feeling belt gun. Does anone know who made an original size navy reproduction? It seemed well made and I thought it was a uberti, but I don't see one listed now.

Thanks for the help.

"The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Bible is my guide, My horse is my partner, Mr. Remrington's on my side."

Member of the American Frontier Reenactment Guild
SixGuns Entertainment, Inc. www.sixgunsonline.com
T & L Ministries as the Circuit Rider Bro. Beauregard http://saddlebagpreacher.blogspot.com


The  "Euroarms" replicas are made to the size of the original Remingtons.
Beware the man with one gun, he probably knows how to use it.

River City John

This shows the difference. Both .36, Uberti on the left, Euroarms on right. (Prettiest wood I've seen, so I'm sure the former owner had custom wood grips mounted.)
The Euroarms is dated 1971, the Uberti is 1999

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Hoof Hearted

You are probably talking about a Lyman marked Uberti in 36.
I have one I can compare for you if you like..........

Watch Gunbroker, they come up on there often.

Regards, HH
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400

Coyote Hunter

"The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Bible is my guide, My horse is my partner, Mr. Remrington's on my side."

Member of the American Frontier Reenactment Guild
SixGuns Entertainment, Inc. www.sixgunsonline.com
T & L Ministries as the Circuit Rider Bro. Beauregard http://saddlebagpreacher.blogspot.com

John William McCandles

CH; You missed a good time at the NCOWS convention at Shepherdsville this past weekend, we had a good turn out of vendors.
Walt Kirst and Raven were in attendance and gave a seminar on conversions.
Hope to see you next year hopefully.

NCOWS #1792
SASS #963
Johnson County Rangers
The Old West Players
Alpine Outlaws (Inactive)
NRA Life
U.S. Navy Submarine Service Retired


Uberti, also, years ago made the 36 the proper size.  both Pietta and Uberti now use the 44 frame for economy, I presume,  It's a shame, as the correct Remington 36 is a very handy and pretty size.
The man who beats his sword into a plowshare shall farm for the man who did not.

SASS 976, NRA Life
Los Vaqueros and Tombstone Ghost Riders, Tucson/Tombstone, AZ.
Alumnus of Hole in the Wall Gang, Piru, CA, Panorama Sportsman's Club, Sylmar, CA, Ojai Desperados, Ojai, CA, SWPL, Los Angeles, CA


Here's the granddaddy of all the Remmy .36s.  A first year production, serial number 31, pre-Uberti.  Maker mark is "GU" which is short for Gregorelli and Uberti.  Imported by Navy Arms "Bogota, NJ."

Coyote Hunter

"The Lord Is My Shepherd, The Bible is my guide, My horse is my partner, Mr. Remrington's on my side."

Member of the American Frontier Reenactment Guild
SixGuns Entertainment, Inc. www.sixgunsonline.com
T & L Ministries as the Circuit Rider Bro. Beauregard http://saddlebagpreacher.blogspot.com

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