75's with trigger trouble

Started by Popa Kapoff, March 27, 2012, 02:44:14 PM

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Popa Kapoff

After this weekends match I notice that the trigger on my two 75useful where not up to snuff. One the trigger pull is around a less then a pound and i cause me to send a round down range early missing my target and shooting low. My other one has a srep in it you pull the hammer back all the way and squeeze the trigger the and it drops let a tenth of a hammer stroke then you squeeze a little more and boom. WHAT THE HECK?
Till we meet keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

Peddler Parsons

I had that problem also  I was told that the leat treating on the hammer was not that good, I took i\them apart and found that one was wore down almost smoth and the other had a piese of the lip broke off.
got new hammers from VTI and have had no problem in the last 3 years.


Bad sear surfaces.  Often the hardening is very thin and once it wears through, the trigger pull goes bye, bye.

Popa Kapoff

I was thinking of ordering 4 sears and haven then properly harden
Till we meet keep the sun at your back and the wind in your face.

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