Millington/ ArmSport LLC Remington Conversions

Started by Jake MacReedy, August 01, 2010, 06:57:52 PM

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Pony Racer

Raven - i do appreciate your work and all those who work on this kind of work.

It is at times thankless - due to the speed at which one has to work to do the job right.

My gunsmith/machinist friend and I talk about timelines and keep pretty close to them for small gun projects (ie fixing pieces and parts) but for larger ones we set a timetable and see how it goes. I am sure when we finally put things in motion to convert my 1873 french 11mm (you want a challenge reloading - 11mm french is a pain) St Etienne pistols to 44 russian it will take some time to get it just right.

I have been admiring your work and those who work with you.  I am saving up my pennies and thinking about the project I would want done.  I have been thinking mostly about a pair of converted STAR pistols but have at times also considered a pair of Rogers and Spencers too. 

I have set a timeline for myself that when I make O-6 (Captain in USCG = to Colonel in USA) I will get with you and figure out the project and buy the pistols.

Keep on trucking Raven and HH - i wish i had an ounce of both of your abilities.

Merry Christmas, V/R
GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Hoof Hearted

Quote from: Raven on December 17, 2011, 08:13:33 AM
Thats one of the problems with small businesses like ours.......a lot of the time the employees make more in take home pay than the owners.


Most people have no appreciation for the 40 odd years of investment in learning, tools, equipment, and commitment it takes to get where we are today.

The craftsman usually has built everything he owns.........his house was a "fixxer upper", his shop was built out of "found" supplies, his equipment was located after tirelessly searching for that "Right" piece (that he then rebuilt).

The curse of all of this is NOT having the money to pay someone else.....then making the decision to hire someone else because of time constraints, only to get a PISS POOR job done (or to get a good screwing)!
Anonymity breeds bravado.......especially over the internet!
aka: Mayor Maynot KILLYA SASS #8038
aka: F. Alexander Thuer NCOWS #3809
STORM #400


QuoteThe curse of all of this is NOT having the money to pay someone else.....then making the decision to hire someone else because of time constraints, only to get a PISS POOR job done (or to get a good screwing)!

Been there and had it done to me :'(


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