lanyard ring how-to?

Started by Capt.Virgil Russo, December 21, 2011, 08:54:59 AM

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Capt.Virgil Russo

Done some research regarding this eg Bowen Arms and some DIY info that really isn't DIY for those without a machine shop at their disposal. Wondering if there's a relatively simple, not too invasive method of installing a lanyard ring on a new Ruger Blackhawk. I won't be shooting mounted and quite honestly, the ring/lanyard combo will really be for looks primarily. As long as the ring doesn't impede my shooting and stays mounted to the butt, I'll be happy. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
SASS# 93527
GAF# 772 Department of The Atlantic


Difficult to answer.  What kind of tools do you have?  What kind of lanyard ring do you have; screw in, pinned, is it supposed to swivel. etc.?  If you don't at least have a GOOD drill press and a GOOD vice, drilling the Ruger is going to be a chore.  They are made out of good steel.

Capt.Virgil Russo

Haven't gotten the lanyard ring yet, didn't want to plunk down cash for something I might not be able to use.  :-\

I have a good drill press and vise, carbide bits and a myriad of tools although none specific to gunsmithing. My thoughts were the easiest method would be to drill & tap a hole in the backstrap but I'm open to any suggestions.

Thanks for your reply!
SASS# 93527
GAF# 772 Department of The Atlantic


Yep drilling and tapping a hole would probably be the easier given the fact that a Ruger gripframe isn't flat on the bottom surface of the gripframe.  Otherwise you could just drill a hole, stick it through the bottom of the grip and then put a pin through the shank of the lanyard ring.

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