town tamers

Started by Marshal Davis, October 09, 2011, 05:55:42 PM

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Major 2

We're basically agreed; let us not quibble over semantics.  :)

As long as we can get the class approved..we can call it "Aunt Polly's Bloomers"  ;D
Course historically, I never check to see if she had a pistol tucked up in there
rumor said she did !   ;D

I have to agree about coach gun and Sodbusters ( they would be almost worthless as a Forager )

how about... "Town Buster"  or Sod Tamer  ;)
when planets the deal !

Pancho Peacemaker

If we are wanting this class to have a historically appropriate name, "Lawman", "Sheriff", or "Marshall" would be most appropriate.

From most of my reading, the favored arms of most town law enforcers was a scattergun for a long arm and a back-up revolver.  Shotguns always have (and still do) provide a great deal of intimidation factor for law enforcement.

I think any NCOWS approved scattergun and revolver would be appropriate for this class. 

The less legislation and restriction we put on this new class, the better it will be accepted.  Open the class to any NCOWS approved firearms and folks will enjoy this.

I think is not necessary to lable it as a "newbie" class.  In my eyes, it will be accepted just as working cowboy has.  Both are historically based and both are fun and viable shooting classes for both newbie and veteran NCOWS shooters.

NRA - Life
TSRA - Life
S&W Collectors Association

"A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
-T. Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Pancho Peacemaker

I started a "straw poll" regarding the name for this class in the "Chambers" area.  Please cast your vote:,40173.0.html
NRA - Life
TSRA - Life
S&W Collectors Association

"A vote is like a rifle: its usefulness depends upon the character of the user."
-T. Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)

Cole Bluesteele

Shakespeare was right!

Personally, I don't see a great need for a name.  Just as many participants in the 1 pistol & 1 rifle class do not have a "Working Cowboy" personage, it seems to me a name in not needed and would not be consistent with evryone in that class's character.

So, what's wrong with The "P&S" class?

As for the team aspect, our side match version would not work if run in a main match. We have run such team matches in the past on as many as 6 consecutive stages as compared to the two stages shown in Pancho's video of our side match. Due to the shooters' responses to this side match we will be hosting a WC/SB team match this month using that format.

Books' format would work at any main match.  Just add the scores for the two shooter team members and you're done.  Better yet, just let them shoot the stage like we did, one shooter after the other shooter.  Omitting the movement and reloading.  Both shooters shoot the same stage, WC shoots the first pistiol sequence and rifle targets.  SB shoots the second pistol sequence and the shotgun targets.  They engage the targets in the order described in the scenario. Use the same spotters and TO and with only one shooting at a time there are no potential new safety issues.  Maybe we'll try this at our match this Sunday and get back to you on the results.

If this is confusing, it's kinda like I told Deadeye Dave and Whiskey Mike after our regional.  My thought was its like describing a camel to 10 people and askingthem to draw it.  Bet you get 11 different views.  Gotta try it to appreciate it.

Both enjoyed the team side match and Dave was in the discussuions at the last Congress meeting.  At the meeting he was not too keen on the team idea, but after shooting the thing he was sold.

Major 2

I felt it would be attractive to newbie's, not some much patterned just for them....

My feeling it is the most " bang for the buck " as C&B pistol & and SXS is both the least expencive for a layman to buy & the
least expencive to feed ammo wise

Newbie's can and have jumped in with both feet.... and bought 4 guns.... that's fine,
but to many it might be a bit of push to explain to the significant other.

What we call it is not important to me.... however I will go and see what Pancho has listed and vote  :)
when planets the deal !

River City John

Well, here's my 1 1/2 cents worth. ;D

I do not like adding new classes for the reasons that then they must all be offered at any Regional or National and becomes an extra headache for the Awards Committee; invariably people can't leave them alone and have to 'equal the playing field' by further legislating gender, powder, age group and shooting hold. There will always be someone who doesn't want to be lumped together when scoring with a shooter who is inherently faster.
(As Major 2 hinted, talking shotgun - are all models lumped together or do you have to now consider separating out the SxS front-stuffers, the SxS shot shell, pumps, etc. Then by powder . . .)

NCOWS Posses already have the freedom to offer any shooting class they want to dream up on the local level. I'm all for creativity and devious fun at a shoot.  ;)


"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
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  See Judges Chamber In the Mar. Apr 2009 Shootist.
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