Grip Maker?

Started by jdpress, May 01, 2011, 02:31:00 PM

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These imitation stag grips were installed on a recently acquired USFA Rodeo.

Can any forum member please identify the maker of these grips or recognize the logo and initials on the inside of the grips?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

J.D. Press

Curley Cole

That is Tipi Creepers logo. From the Western and Wildlife Wonders store. Above is their link.

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Quote from: Curley Cole on May 02, 2011, 01:45:55 AM

That is Tipi Creepers logo. From the Western and Wildlife Wonders store. Above is their link.



Thank you very much for the information and also the link to the website.

With appreciation,

J.D. Press

Major 2

I recognized the logo and struggled to remember the name of the Maker...reason being I had dealings with them a few years ago.

I had inherited a set of their Faux Ivory two piece, one panel was broken and had been glued....I contacted them
and a new set was sent !  no questions, just replaced ( keep in mind I was not the first owner )
That is what I call good consumer relations  :)
I should have remembered them  :-\  I plead old-timers disease
when planets the deal !

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