Spencer Company - Battle of Selma

Started by nactorman, January 16, 2011, 11:38:16 PM

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"Special Company" – Repeaters Wanted – Battle of Selma 2011

Soldiers Equipped With Spencers / Henrys / Breechloaders / Other Carbines Needed!

Portray Wilson's Raiders

I am writing to invite interested individuals and units to join us in putting together a "special company" for this year's Battle of Selma, AL Reenactment (April 29-May 1, 2011). We are assembling a company to portray the dismounted Union cavalrymen of the Wilson's Cavalry Corps (Wilson's Raiders), and to add some realism to the event by trying to approximate the look and sound of a repeater equipped company. This should be a unique opportunity to do something different and to put your Spencer, Henry, Breechloading Carbine, or Muzzleloading Carbine to use. This invitation is open to units and individuals alike.

Battle History: For Basic Information on the Battle of Selma, AL see:


Our Impression:

"Special Company" participants will attempt to portray the dismounted Union troopers of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, Co. K. The guidelines, set out below, make it easy for almost anyone with US infantry or cavalry gear to participate. We will fight on foot, as did the 4th Iowa at Selma, and in a single rank formation. The 4th Iowa, like almost all of Wilson's force, was equipped with Spencer repeating arms. With that in mind, we would like to assemble as many repeaters as possible, but we also welcome those with breechloading and muzzleloading carbines (see below for more info). Uniform, equipment, and arms guidelines are set out below. With your help, we can assemble a realistic looking and sounding company that will more accurately represent the US soldiers who participated at the Battle of Selma – and have a lot of fun in the process.

Uniform Recommendations:

1-Jacket/Coat: US cavalry shell jacket; US sack coat; or US roundabout.

2-Pants: Any sky blue US pattern.

3-Headgear: Forage caps; slouch hats.

4-Footwear: Any period US shoe or boot.

5-Belt: US mounted services belt; US infantry waistbelt; any period US cavalry belt.

6-Cartridge Box: Blakeslee; Any US pattern cartridge box (worn on belt – no shoulder straps, please).

7-Cap Box: as needed.

Arms Recommendations: (In order of preference)

1-Spencer carbine or rifle.

2-Henry rifle.

3-Any period repeater.

4-Breechloading Carbines (Ex: Sharps, Smith, Maynard, Burnside, Gallagher, etc.).

5-Muzzleloading Carbines.

*Note: In addition, each enlisted man may carry one revolver.

**Note: No sabers will be worn.

It is free to register for the event and to participate with the "special company." If you are interested in participating with us, or would like some additional information, please feel free to contact Charles Misulia at: Nactorman@yahoo.com .


Charles Misulia

28th Battalion Georgia Heavy Field Artillery, Inc.

1st Ohio Light Artillery

76th OVVI


Selma Repeater / Breechloader Company Update

Unit designation changed to 4th Iowa Cavalry, Co. F. There is no practical change, except that this company designation is more in line with the scenario for the event. If you are interested in joining us in storming the earthworks at Selma, we would be glad to hear from you.

And now, from William F. Scott of the 4th Iowa Cavalry, Co. F:

"Not knowing the plan of attack, the men of Upton's division suppose that Long has begun the battle under orders, and every moment look for their own orders to advance... [Company] F is now in the open field on the right of [Company] I, and the whole line is within four hundred yards of the works and in front of the bastions commanding the Range Line road... Here his men lie down, concealed from view from the enemy's parapets... An officer of Winslow's staff appears and orders...[Maj. Woods] to charge. His companies rush upon the works in their front with splendid bravery... Company F springs over the palisades and upon the parapets at the three-gun battery and immediately captures it... The victors, flushed with their success, go like the wind across the space between the two lines of works to seize the inner line."

For more information or to join us for the event, e-mail Charles at: Nactorman@yahoo.com

Major 2

Selma is excellent event, run by the 1st. Alabama ,City of Selma  & Gen. John Rambo
My mounted unit and I attended many times.

when planets align...do the deal !


It is a really excellent event when the weather holds off. You should plan on coming out and joining us.

For those potentially interested in joining us in the Wilson's Raiders company, but unsure because you have never done a dismounted cavalry impression or your regular unit is not attending, please don't hesitate. We are drawing in folks who normally do all sorts of impressions and can assure you that you won't be treated like the "odd-man-out." We should have a lot of fun attempting to portray Wilson's Raiders and laying down some fire from our Spencers.

For more information, please contact Charles at:



Let's get those Spencers all together!

I wanted to thank those of you who have contacted me about participating with the company at the Battle of Selma Reenactment, and let those of you who have not yet decided know that there is still time to get registered.

If you would like to come out and be a part of the Wilson's Raiders Company (and use that neglected Spencer), please send me an e-mail at: Nactorman@yahoo.com

If you have been on the fence, you should know that it is not too late. There is still room for you to join us for what should be a fun and unique opportunity to portray Wilson's Raiders.

You can register on your own for the event, or I can add your name to our current roster, but we need to know whether to expect you in our ranks. As an added bonus, each Wilson's Raiders Company participant with a Spencer or Henry will get 100 free blank cartridges (size 44-40 / 45 LC / 56-50).

I hope to see you there.


Just a little bump as time is drawing close and there is still room for anyone who has a hole in their schedule.


Sean Thornton

Do you have any idea as to the numbers of Spencers that are going to show up for this?  I am looking forward to this with my Spencer Rifle.
"Victory thru rapid fire"
National Henry Rifle Company"


Hi Sean,
  Looks like if everyone shows up that we will have about 10 Spencers with us for the weekend as well as a Henry, a few Sharps, Smith, etc.


Final Reminder for anyone else who would like to give their Spencer a workout this weekend. The weather forecast looks fantastic. If you would like to join us for the weekend as we portray Wilson's Raiders, just drop me a line at: Nactorman@yahoo.com . I'll forward you all the necessary information. See you there!
  Happy Shooting,
  Charles Misulia

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