R-R-r-r-a-a-n-g-e Ree-port (with thanks to Larryo1)

Started by spook2, March 17, 2011, 11:24:12 AM

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Greetings from a site lurker, largely making like a sponge with where y'all have been and what you had to say about the '76... This report started at the '09 Denver Collectors Show, to which I went with a pard just to rub up against and drool over the finery.  Did not need a gun (I know, oxymoron), was not looking for a piece, was minding my own bidness, and sure a shooting, some bozo has a deal on a very nice Taylors 28in barrel '76 in 45-75.  I bought.  So y'all know it needed a trigger job, and having shot some BPCRS, knew it needed sights—an MVA Soule Mid Range and a Sharps Low Profile Spirit Level... Then I learned, well began to learn, about ammo.  So right here, a mule load of thanks to Larryo1 for getting me going on fire forming brass which could not have been easier.   So load workup had me ready to sell the thing back to the bozo back in Denver until someone suggested checking the bore diameter--.456 it was, NOT .458+.  Then I tried some .457 sized bullets and winding up with an H4198 load, it's finally getting there.   I might be a wee optimistic, but really think it will do even better.  Thanks then to Griz, and again Larro1, and a passel of the rest of you, I love this gun...!!
The target's in sight, got the friendlies, master arm on, I'm rollin' in hot !!!


FYI: I use a 16:1 alloy which is listed on the original ammo boxes.  I use this alloy most of the time and sometimes I use 20:1 but my rifle seems to like the 16:1 the best.  If you are interested, try Swiss 1½ BP.  I use either 72 grains or 76 grains as my rifle has the "Uberti" style chamber which has 5 grains more capacity.  I also have a Hoch custom mold that is patterned after the original mold and it casts a nominal 350 grains.  One load that I did try that worked pretty good was 22.0 grains of 2400 and that was taken from Ken Waters book.  Pretty low recoil and velocity but not too bad for groupings.  There are a lot of data on this site if you take the time to look. ;)
When in doubt, mumble!
NRA Endowment member

Grizzly Adams

Congrats on your rifle spook2, and thanks for posting your range report. :)
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