Antiquating Rusty Dragoon

Started by Itchy Triggerfinger, January 19, 2011, 09:56:33 PM

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Itchy Triggerfinger

I bought a used Uberti 3rd Model Dragoon with rust at the end of the barrel and some small hickeys on the barrel and cylinder.

A couple of the hickeys on the barrel need a little scrubbing with something with a bit more grit than steel wool.  Emery cloth?  I am seeking advice here.  I have a Dremel tool.  Are there suitable attachments?

I am thinking I want to bring the barrel assembly and cylinder back to the white and leave the color case harden parts be.  How long do I soak these parts in Vinegar approximately to "etch" them as I read about in the article on antiquating.

Thanks in advance  ;D

Itchy Triggerfinger  AKA Shameless Womanizer, Esquire

Itchy Triggerfinger

My next project will be "Freckles LeMat!"

St. George

Slow down and step away from the Dremel Tool...

Using any sort of power tool when working on weapons is courting disaster.

If you 'need' to remove those freckles and pits - successively finer grades of wet/dry sandpaper on a block will do the job - follow up with emery paper, crocus cloth and fine steel wool.

If you want to strip existing blued finish - 'Vanish' toilet bowl cleaner does a quick job - you can watch as it works.

Remember - artificially aging a weapon that is relatively new for the era you're shooting will give it an un-natural age.

These weapons were pretty well-maintained at the time, since their owners depended on them, and folks certainly weren't shooting 150+-year-old small arms.

Best to use it and let natural holster and handling wear take its course.


Scouts Out!

"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."

Itchy Triggerfinger

I probably should have used a better adjective than Antiquating.

Here is my project.  I probably paid too much for it, but I wanted to show it kindness akin to taking in a stray dog.

In addition to the rust on the barrel, note the marks on the barrel and the cylinder.  Somebody dropped this 4 lb. beast.

Ok Ok, I will use a block and sand it.  I thought there might be a cloth wheel attachment/jewelry rouge thing I could do.

I think I should have said that I wanted to bring it back to the white and etch it in vinegar and keep it that way.


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