Spike hawk

Started by Messerist, May 10, 2010, 08:39:58 AM

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I made this out of a very old rusty 24oz-ish ballpeen hammerhead.  I got the idea from Stuart Willis on the Muzzleoader Forum.  He makes some whiz-bang stuff!  I forged this for a friend who has a very nice collection of old wood-cutting implements from Minnesota's logging past.  He is also a retired swabbie and wanted a boarding axe just in case pirates ascend the Mississippi and threaten our fair metropolis.  This might not be very PC and if it isn't please go ahead and delete.  I have some more in the works that should fit the bill nicely.  Enjoy...p.s. it is just a plain hickory handle.  I am looking for a source for some nice curly maple.

Josh Dabney


Thats some DURN fine forge work Pard !    I'm really diggin all your stuff thanks fer posting it.   

I was gonna suggest that this hawk head just might be deserving  of a fancier haft,  sounds like we're on the same page there though  ;)

Fine workmanship Pard,   Josh


Messerist great work on the hawk. Keep making and showing. KT
Cheer up things could be worse, sure enough I cheered up and they got worse.

Ned Buckshot

Nice job!

Some really nice wood will look great!

Ned Buckshot

SASS# 2901   nedbuckshot@gmail.com


Dave Cole

Great looking hawk pard.Dave :)

here's the best source for quality Curly Maple


Very nice hawk. Don't you just love reforging those old hammers that are no good for anything esle.


Thanks Gentlemen for your comments.  Dave, thanks for the link for curly maple.  Stuart, I blame you for my new addiction since I saw your work about a year ago on the Muzzleloader Forum.  I've collected a bunch of hammerheads that I plan to smash into hawks and other implements of destruction ;D

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