Blockade Ever heard of em?

Started by Lightning Buck McGraw, January 07, 2011, 02:07:37 AM

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Lightning Buck McGraw

I have recently stumbled upon this new site, called I've found a period correct Civil War tin cup that I really want.
The problem is, I aint never heard of this place before. :o
The price is perfect, but I don't want to send em my credit card#, n find out it's all a scam. :o >:(
( I had a pard do that once, with a hat company. gave em the money, & never saw'em again) :'(
Anybody, here ever heard of, er bought from before?  ???
Never squat with yer spurs on!!!

Major 2

Been around 20 some years... they are often a large presence and major WBTS events.

No scam, thought I've not bought from them in years (main reason I retired from eventing) and I have no dog in the fight.
I'd say you're safe in dealing.....
when planets the deal !

Deadeye Don

They have been around a long time.  I have ordered from them before without problems as have alot of others here I am sure.  From what I have been told, they get alot of their goods from Pakistan.  

Another excellent Sutler is Fall Creek.  Check them out before you order with Blockade Runner.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Major 2

I agree with Don....Andy Fulks (Fall Creek) is a good friend, I've know him 30 years.

I'd have mentioned him but you only asked about Blockade Runner  :-\

There is also the Winchester Suttler , and Lomas Brothers all of which attend the larger CW events nationaly.

Edit Thanks Don   :-X
when planets the deal !

Lightning Buck McGraw

Thanks, Dead eye / Major.
Now I hafta choose. I'll probly go with fall creek. They've got some really nice  tin cups n canteens, I like! 8)
Never squat with yer spurs on!!!

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