Steel Challenge, Revisited

Started by Doc Shapiro, October 10, 2004, 10:09:39 PM

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Doc Shapiro

I went out and shot it again today, with a 1911 (revolvers are in the shop ::)).  Badlands Bud and his dad, Black Jack Traven, came out too.  I got some video from the match.  Bud shot a Glock and a .22, I shot a 1911, BJT shot his Blackhawks and a .22. 

Of the 7 stages, 6 are shot 5 times and the other 4 times.  For each stage, the worst run is thrown out and the rest totalled for score. There are 5 targets in each stage, one is designated as the stop plate and must be shot last. You can shoot as many shots as you like. A missed target is 3 seconds (that means it wasn't hit before the stop plate was hit).

I have managed to pull 4 of the better runs off the tape and posted them to my web site.

The season is over for this year.  Next year I'll get more footage, and a bunch with Cowboy guns!

Hope you enjoy this look at the game. 


Prof. Bullspit

Micheal Fortune

Yep Doc, looks like fun.

Don't know about you in a ball cap though ??? Takes some to get used to ;)
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Doc Shapiro

This week my app is going to go out for the big one.  The Steel Challenge match in Piru, CA.  There aren't many folks that shoot SA Revolvers.  If you're in that area, you might give it a go.  It's quite challenging and a LOT of fun!


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