Did a bit of background 'shading' to my El Paso holster

Started by Marshal Deadwood, November 12, 2009, 04:41:13 AM

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Marshal Deadwood

Gun Butcher

I don't think so MD. It gives it more of a e-D look than it had before. Looks good.
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

Kid Terico

MD I think the contrast helped it a lot. Good job. KT

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

   Mike I think it looks great, you did a nice job of it.


             tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Deadwood

Thanks guys..I admit, I know almost -0 about leather work and related doin's...so I tried to just go 'lite'ly' with the shading instead of a 'jet dark' or that kinda thing..just 'nuff to give it some 'depth.'

I love reading and lookin' on this forum..you guys impress the heck outta me with what you can do.

Kid Terico...do you do 'fast draw' holsters ?  That is my next 'look for thang',,since I'm dabblin' in 'fast draw' some. I shoot a 4 3/4" SAA for my 'fast draw' revolver.

Thank you


Marshal Will Wingam

The backgrounding helps give the design definition. Good job, pard.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

Kid Terico

MD Yes I,ve made some but no longer have them. After doing some research I see where there are many types of fast draw. Its like what ever works for you . What defines a genuine fast draw I dont know. TW can probley add to this.KT

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Marshal Deadwood

     When I shot in Quick Draw, years ago, and if I were to still do it, I did/and would, only use a steel lined holsters, there is  0% drag on your gun, the holsters are made just for this reason, and are canted in a number of efficient angles to meet the customers needs, the holster is also bowed out just enough to make grabbing/gripping the gun very efficient, without hitting gun leather, these type Fast Draw rigs can be had in high rise and dropped a few inches from the gun belt, All my Quick Draw rigs were made by the late Alfonso Penada, of Alfonso's of Hollywood fame, his son Omar is running the business now. here is his link, so you can get an idea of what a good Q.D. rig should look like and their differences . http://www.alfonsosgunleather.com/   I hope this will be of some help to you, he also does all the extras.


   tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Kid Terico

Thanks TW. I have made double front steel lined holsters fo mounted comp. riders. They have to be there to be fitted and came back 3-4 times for changes as to how far they want them to stick out from there body to make easier draw. Its a pain as far as I,m Concerned. If u did it every day it might get easier. To hard on the old hands.Thats why I dont do it any more. KT

Ace Lungger

Howdy Guys,
MD, I just want to put my 2 cents in. I have never had a quick draw rig or did quick draw! I would like to ::) I have watched some matches on the tube, and from what I understand (don't take this to the bank) all quick draw matches are shot with wax bullets? ??? The rigs that I have seen all have a  bent out metal flap below the holster, to deflect any qick fires! As I have a back ground in working with metals, I would think that a quick draw holster with 18-20 ga aluminum would be lighter and do the same job. Even a peice of rawhide that was formed with the bend would also be fine!
As I stated, everthing I have mentioned, is not a fact, but the opinion of what I have seen. A peiece of aluminum with the angle part of it being bent in a metal break, would give the light aluminum great strenth to hold the bend,  the part that is sewn into the holster could be formed by hand, with a small amount of effort.
I hope that this will help.
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