Well i'll be busy for awhile~~

Started by GunClick Rick, October 09, 2009, 08:46:43 PM

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GunClick Rick

Mama totled out her SUV a few hors ago,due to someone esles bad driving,this is the second time in a year and a half.Not to bad the first time,but it's gone this time.Someone stopped after turning cuaseing traffic to stop suddenly and she was the 3rd vehicle back,slammed the breaks and the suv just would not stop fast enough.Busy corner and peopl stopping to turn into a gas station right after the light turns green.Exact same scenerio the first time,the breaks don't stop.I have had them checked several time and always been told they are ok,but i hate driving that suv,spongy and it has always wondered a tad in the front.Chevy suv,strieght 6
Sorry about posting here but i think i may gone for awhile.Everything was going so well,we were getting cuaght up,payed off my Ford truck,and just payed off mama's car.I think i may have to go up to the hills and have a sit down with Dr, Jack Daniels for about 3 days,last time was about 35 years ago...
I gets weary,tired-o-tryin
tired-a-livin,and scared-a-dien~~~~ :'( :-[ >:( >:(
Bunch a ole scudders!

JD Alan

Well Rick, I'm sure sorry to hear about the accident, but it sounds as if your wife is ok, and that's certainly important. Even though I'm a preacher by trade, I'm not going to preach at ya, but just say if you want to talk to someone, give me a call. PM me for a number any time. JD
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.

Ned Buckshot

So sorry Rick, I know somedays I just lay in bed and think why bother to get up.

You've got lots of friends here, particularly ME!

I've got a free shoulder so lean on me brother.

Ned Buckshot

SASS# 2901   nedbuckshot@gmail.com


Ace Lungger

Howdy Rick,
I also hate it that things are going bad for you! Like JD said, your wife is okay and that is the most important thing, material things can allways be replaced!! I know that for fact!! In 1986 we lost everything in the world except the clothes we had on! Had 33" of water in  our house for 4 days, not much was saveable, insurance wouldn't pay because we didn't have flood ins.  ??? ??? I thought it was the end of the world, but it wasn't!!
Keep your head up! I know it isn't easy, but you allways have to look for a better day!! Thats what keeps me going!!
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Howdy Rick

        Sorry to hear this, I'm glad your wife is OK, hang in there things will get better, seems we all have to go through our ups and downs, and the main thing is if we can wake up in the morning to a brand new day.

                          Best Regards Pard

                         tEN wOLVES ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Marshal Will Wingam

That's a drag, Rick. Glad to hear your wife is OK. Things will work out in the long run. We'll always have a hot cup of coffee for you here.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

GunClick Rick

Well a feller has to be reminded now and again.I made sure to tell the wife i loved her very much yesterday,she was really upset.I think i was more upset at the fact she has been workin her taill off to get things cuaght up and run a medical office at the same time with all kinds of changes goin on,she's the boss over there. I'v been doin maintenance on the house,ya get a good stride goin and dang if the mule don't up and die on ya..Thanks for the thoughts,i'll get over it,always do.. :-\

I am learning pounding leather may be more important than i thought,is it ok to use a sledge hammer ::)
Bunch a ole scudders!


i got a 16 lbs sledge you can use just beat your worries away



Sorry to hear about your wifes accident......just be glad that she was not injured...the metal can be replaced....I know that sometimes life can be difficult...but we came in with nothing and we leave with nothing.....life is not a bowl of cherries and we as intelligent beings  must go and get the most out of what short life we are given....we all get set backs.....but we all must go on.

my friend your are in all of our thoughts...........hey my Chamois (the cleaner weiner) says howdy ::) ::) ;D
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Johnny McCrae

Please hang in there, Rick. You are in our thoughts and prayers
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

GunClick Rick

Thank god for weiner dog licks ;D

Boy that would sound really weird to someone that doesn;t know ??? :P
Bunch a ole scudders!

Gun Butcher

  Rick, that there would shore nuf sound weird ifn we didn't already know how "different you really are ;) ;D ::)
   Hang in there pard and don't listen to that black labeled bottle them things will lie to you. Just talk to us whenever you need to. With a little luck and help from the Sky Pilots we got hangin around here we all might make it one of these days.
Lost..... I ain't never been lost...... fearsome confused fer a month er two once... but I never been lost.
Life is a Journey, the best that we can find in our travels is an honest friend.

GunClick Rick

Yep,just finished watchin "Once Upon A Time In The West" life does go on~~~~~~~~>
Bunch a ole scudders!

Marshal Will Wingam

Sombody need licks? We can do that. :D

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


marshal,  boy those sure are two beauiful canines....like the blue eyes
Outrider  (formerly "Dusty Dick" out of PA.)
SASS #2353
BOLD #895
Custom Leathersmith
Ocoee Rangers

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

  Will those are beautiful dogs for sure  ::)

           tEN wOLVES  ;) ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

GunClick Rick

 :D :) Danged if that didn't put a smile on my face!! ;D ;D

What a pair of kids,i mean canines,heck with it,KIDS! Thanks Marshall,i bet they are fun.

What breed are they Marsh.
Bunch a ole scudders!

Marshal Will Wingam

Thanks, they're loads of fun. Smart, too. They're called American Indian dogs and the breeder says they have all this ancient blood in them that goes back 30,000 years and, and, and..... But, I think the real truth is that he did his best to duplicate the dogs that were here before the settlers started bringing dogs with them. They're a mix of this and that, including coyote and a handful of domestic breeds. They're fast and full of energy so we have to take them out to play hard to wear them out so we get some sleep. They're much like Carolina dogs but a little slimmer. Rick, they always make me smile so I figured they'd do that for you.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

GunClick Rick

Agh,Apachagermashepoytes.always wanted one or two,of those ;D
Bunch a ole scudders!

Marshal Will Wingam

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446

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