Interesting Pocket Conversion

Started by Dusty Morningwood, June 10, 2009, 11:01:29 AM

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Quote from: Dalton Masterson on July 09, 2009, 03:26:33 PM
Well, after reading all of your posts, and every one of them that regards someone else's gun, refutes them as a fake, it just isnt worth the effort for me to take it down from the shelf, photo it, and let someone bash it.
And yes, its real.
'Nuff said.

DM  (oh, and thanks for notating the Jesse James photo. That does clear that up.)

Now you know why I quit responding.  It's unfortunate, you were just trying to do what we used to always do on this board, just being honest and trading information and experiences.

Best to just back off and hope the problem will go away.  Rio and Hext haven' t had to deal with a problem on this board in a long time.  I'm not sure how often they even look in.  Lately there have been a lot of problems on the other boards, it seems we are not immune. 

Unfortunately you can't attach photos to PMs.  Someday I'd like to see your Colt Root.

Best to you Pard,
A brace of 1860s, a Yellowboy Saddle Rifle and a '78 Pattern Colt Scattergun

Matt Bastardson

Quote from: Mako on July 09, 2009, 05:38:54 PM
Now you know why I quit responding.  It's unfortunate, you were just trying to do what we used to always do on this board, just being honest and trading information and experiences.

Best to just back off and hope the problem will go away.  Rio and Hext haven' t had to deal with a problem on this board in a long time.  I'm not sure how often they even look in.  Lately there have been a lot of problems on the other boards, it seems we are not immune. 

Unfortunately you can't attach photos to PMs.  Someday I'd like to see your Colt Root.

Best to you Pard,

So it's a "problem" to you when anybody tosses a little bit of reality into your little happy camp here?  Honest?  Trading information and experiences?  You're not being honest and trading information and experiences if you indeed believe that all of these 1849 Pocket Colts are magically popping up right and left out of the blue for you 'collectors' to horde.  And ditto for 1858 Remington's, Peacemakers, and any other desirable antique firearm that has noticeable increased in value in the past decade or so.  That's rich, that is.

And as for whomever said that there are 'lots' of original Colt Walkers out there.....there aren't.  There's a few...less than 200 known examples exist (out of the original 1100 produced), most of which are solid hunks of rust missing parts that still sell for $100,000 to 'collectors' such as yourself, apparently.  Very few original Colt Walkers exist in any sort of operable condition (I've seen 2 come to market in the past year or so...and these are tough times when people are selling stuff.)

I think some of you apparently live in some kind of alternate reality land when it comes to firearms, collecting, and 'fakes'.

If you guys were indeed being "honest" and looking to "trade information and experiences", we'd see threads on these forums whereby people were posting detailed photos of their guns (or guns they were interested in), and sharing information with each other and doing the research and collaborating on what to look for (or not look for) when it came to separating originals from fakes in the antique firearm market.
But you don't do that here.  What you do instead is get all pissed off when somebody dares mention the subject of fakes and forgeries of these pistols, each claim that your firearm is 'original', and call anybody who dares suggest otherwise "a problem".

That's a cabal -- not a forum, friend.

By the way...the 'period correct' fix for the Colt Walker loading lever dropping down during firing is a loop of rawhide around the barrel and loading lever, to answer the question posed in another thread.

Matt Bastardson

Hey, here's a thought...instead of claiming that all of your pistols are 'originals' because "you just know", how about instead explaining what exactly makes you believe that _your_ pistol is genuine.  You can start with the pocket 1849.  Be specific.

Matt Bastardson

Quote from: Nueces Grandes on July 09, 2009, 08:36:11 PM
Hey Stinky,
I see you decided to give yourself a new name.  It really doesn't fit.  Board Trolls need names to really set them apart and warn everyone who they are.  I think STINKY is much more appropriate and much less confusing.

I don't have a pocket 1849 but I do have a brand new Board Troll.  I tell you exactly why I think it is a genuine Troll.  Let me see, he appeared out of nowhere and proclaimed himself at first to be "jc," but he thought that might be a bit pretentious.  He is a know it all without any credentials, "street cred" or anything other than some photos of some very bad leather and a very few pistols that don't lend themselves to competition.  He's also rude and pushy which are hallmarks of a true Board Troll.  He also seems to have nothing else to do besides sit on these forums according to the statistics of his usage. See, so far I am 100%? 

I can give you more distinguishing features if you like, you just let me know, ok?

LOL!  Hmmmm.  I need neither "credentials" nor "street cred" to post here, friend.  The fact that that you and your compadres get your panties all in a bunch when we start talking guns leads me to believe that this isn't a pistol forum as much as it is an invitation-only Jergens party where everybody flashes each other their supposed 'originals' and congratulates each other on how savvy they believe they are.

I believe I've made an error I thought you guys liked to discuss guns.  Instead, you just like petting them.  My mistake.

Matt Bastardson

What, you didn't like any of my guns (or leather) that I've posted yet?  Boo hoo hoo!, I'm just all broken up over that! LOL!  Don't worry, I've got plenty more in the old safe where those came from.

Other than a stained copy of Flayderman's and that internet article on "Trolls" from 1999, I'm guessing that you probably don't read much, huh.  You fit in well here, friend.

Dusty Morningwood

Wow!  This thread got interesting, considering my original intent.  But I have no real doubts this is real.  With the pitting, no finish, heavily polished, etc., the cost of conterfeiting it would be easily double what is being asked for it.

Camille Eonich

There have been several reports on multiple posts in this thread.  I'm locking this thread until the moderators of the forum tell me otherwise since I don't know enough about the posters involved to make a judgment call.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

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