Started by Guns Garrett, April 28, 2009, 10:28:50 AM

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Guns Garrett

U.S. Army Corporal Isaiah Mays, 24th US Inf., was awarded the Medal of Honor for defending an Army payroll shipment against armed robbers, May 11, 1889 in Arizona Territory.  He was discharged from the Army in 1893, and later applied for, but was denied a pension.  He later ended up as an indigent resident of the Arizona State hospital being treated for depression.   He died at the hospital  May 2, 1925, and was buried in a pauper's grave marked only with a numbered stone.  Diligent research and dedication by several Veteran's Groups volunteers resulted in a Medal of Honor headstone being placed at the site in 2001.

Cpl Mays' remains have been recovered, and, as a recipient of the Medal of Honor, will be re-interred at Arlington National Cemetery this coming Memorial Day (May 29).  His escort will join with another escort bearing the remains of Silver Star recipients JF Callahan (WW2-USN) and JW Dunn (VN-Army) in Topeka, Kansas on May 24*.  From there, the three will be escorted to Arlington by members of the Old Guard Riders.  Itenerary of the cross-country ride can be found here:   http://oldguardriders.com/escort.htm  (see additional itinerary below)

*This is the schedule for escorting the remains of JF Callahan and JW Dunn:  www.miap.us/announcements/ann2008082408.html
It continues the riding schedule from Topeka ("Day 4") to Arlington.

Please refer to the schedule(s), and if possible, take the time to render honors to these heroes as they pass near your vicinity.  A "Rolling Thunder" motorcycle escort is quite an impressive sight to see, hear, and feel.  I would suggest contacting your local VFW, American Legion, or other Veteran's Group in your area, as they may receive updates as to the Escort's location, progress and schedule.  Their schedule is tight, so they will only be making scheduled stops for food, gas, and lodging, some of which are indicated at the indicated websites.

Here are some articles about Cpl. Mays:       http://oldguardriders.com/mays.htm

"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301


Outstanding.  May God rest and keep the soul of this fine old soldier.  There but for the grace of God go I.....    :'(


"We thought about it for a long time... 'Endeavor to persevere.' And when we had thought about it long enough, we declared war on the Union."

Lone Watie

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