Russian triggerguard spur

Started by kcub, March 11, 2010, 05:19:21 AM

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I would LOVE to see a period movie about Cossacks riding the Russian Steppes, better yet, a transplanted Western similar to the Proposition.

Hangtown Frye

The spur is really handy for fine shooting, actually.  When you're using it properly (with the middle finger using it as a forward point of the grip) it allows your trigger finger to be entirely independent of the frame.  With my Colts, I use my trigger finger to help support the weight, but with the Russian, you don't need to do this, thus you can get a more accurate shot off.  Technically speaking, that is.  ;)

Also, per the .44 Russian cartridge, when Remington-UMC was loading both the .44 Russian and .44 Special cartridges, they were listed as having exactly the same ballistics.  Exactly the same.  So if anyone thinks that a .44 Special is a good man-stopper, then the .44 Russian ought to do just as nicely.  And as noted above, a VERY sweet round to shoot!

BTW, I just picked up a very nice S&W New Model No.3 which actually has the Russian spur trigger guard on it. VERY cool pistol! Came complete with dies, no less.  Now to take it out and do some shooting with it!



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