The Conversion to the Dark Side is Complete Thanks to DD and Sierra Slim

Started by Blackpowder Burn, March 08, 2009, 06:50:54 PM

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Blackpowder Burn

I just completed my first full weekend shooting Holy Black at my local CAS club.  I loaded a case full of FFg (about 34 grains by weight) under a 200 gr MAV Dutchman cast by Sierra Slim in my 44-40's (a Cimarron 24" rifle and 2-USFA SAA's).  It went as smooth as well-oiled clockwork.  The accuracy with this load was outstanding - better than the smokeless load I have been using.

The pistols required couple of squirts of moose milk, a grand total of 2 patches and one pass with the bore snake to clean them.  The rifle required moose milk, 4 patches and a pass of the bore snake.  The pistols shot all day with no binding at all.

Thanks to both of you gents - I'm now thoroughly hooked.  The smoke, fire and BOOOM just can't be matched by shooting that newfangled junk.  And the fun of watching all those that shoot mouse-fart smokeless loads run from the line when I cut loose!

I just can't wait to get the 45-250-PRS and the boolits for my 38-55 that are on order from Slim now.  That 38-55 should be a real hoot at a local Cody Dixon match.
Learned Brother at Armes


Who is Sierra Slim?

Congrats on the smoke and fire, I see no reason for that new fangled stuff in these guns and personally take great glee in smoking out the Jim-Dandy gamers.  Wouldn't want those fancy duds of theirs to get any odor or anything.

They go: puff/fart-ding

We go :Boom/fire/smoke----CLLLang


Blackpowder Burn


Slim is the compadre that commerically casts the Big Lube Boolit designs sold by Dick Dastardly.  He produces a really high quality product - each boolit is packaged individually in styrofoam blocks and then the blocks are plastic shrink wrapped to prevent lube migration.  I've looked at the cost to cast my own, and the small cost savings isn't worth it.  Here's a link to his site.
Learned Brother at Armes

Dick Dastardly

Good mornin' Aggie Desperado,

Small typo.  It's Springfield Slim, but he's the Slim that casts those great boolits.  I'm the guy that sells the Big Lube™ boolit molds and other black powder supplies.

Thanks for the flowers.  Slim thanks ya too.  Glad to have you as a true disciple of the Dark Side and a practitioner of the Holy Black.  Your dedication shall be rewarded by many years of pure white smoke and searing yaller flame shootin'.  Long live your grin!

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Conversion complete? It's just beginning. The magic has caught you and you must buy more guns. It doesn't matter that you don't need them, the inner craving will not be cured with one set. I now have 6 1860s and 2 1851s. Ask Fingers about his stock of 1851s and 1861s. Do you have 50# of black stored somewhere? You're gonna run out!! 5000 Remington #10s? Not enough!! All of the available lengths of spouts for your flasks? You only have one flask? Oh No! Surely you're not trying to get by with just one capper?
Conversion cylinders? How many empty cases do you have. It doesn't matter. Get on e-bay and gun broker and buy more and more and more!!!!
I have 600 12ga cases loaded and just bought 500 emptys. More and More and More!!!!!!!

Blackpowder Burn

Dick and Springfield - my sincere apologies for the typo.  I was so ecstatic I guess I had a "misfire" in the old memory synapses!

Noz - Right you are!  I haven't really gotten into the front stuffers yet, but have lot's of additional cartridge guns to start working with.  Let's see, there are:
3 - USFA single actions (soon to be 4: 2 in 44-40 and 2 in 45LC)
1 - Winchester 73 in 44-40
1 - USFA Lightning Rifle in 44-40
1 - Original Winchester 92 in 44-40
1 - Marlin 1894 Cowboy in 45LC
1 - Marlin 336 Cowboy in 38-55
1 - Browning 1885 Highwall in 40-65 (been using black with that one for some time, however)
1 - TTN Colt 1878 Shotgun
1 - Original Winchester '97

I am about to order my first 25 pounds of black powder.  I figure I'll go with GOEX, since it is the only one manufactured in the US of A.  As you'll notice from the list of lead chunkers above, I've tried real hard to purchase all US manufactured stuff.
Learned Brother at Armes



I thought you were talkin about Springfield, just makin sure I didn't miss someone else who deals in this game.  When you order that powder you might want to look @ Swiss powder.  It's not really needed for most CAS situations but in your long guns it sure will help with the fouling.  Especially in the 38.55, I've also found a stout load if 2F or 3F in the 45LC cuts down on the blowback to some degree.  With goex I could foul the lifter in my 24" 73 in less than 100 rounds, with Swiss it takes much longer-(fast burning loads).


BTW, it's about 5 bucks more a lb.

Pony Racer

Remember Schuetzen BP is a nice compromise of cleaning burning powder than GOEX without cost of Swiss.

Actually i went in on a case of Schuetzen BP recently with some fellow dark siders and the cost per 1lb was 2.00 less than GOEX.

Makes you wonder how cheap it is over in Germany - since we are eating some level of import tax.

GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Springfield Slim

Well just for that, Garry, I'm NOT casting your bullets tomorrow! ;D
Full time Mr. Mom and part time leatherworker and bullet caster

Marshal harpoluke

SASS 60019L
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Lookout fur da sheep, packs a 10ga.,
Ya loot, Ah Shoot,
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GoofBall #12

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