Started by Oliver Loving, February 26, 2009, 07:04:13 PM

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Oliver Loving

Great day in the casting area.  Finally got my bulletttttts to come out of the casting mold in the correct design.   Thanks to all you pards out there who entered information regarding temperature, thermometers, lube, and sizers. Several things were of importantance.  I got a really good clean on the molds and used my lighter to burn in the molds and got the temp up to 850F. First started on No 7 on the Lee Pro 4 10 lbs pot.  Pretty much stayed there.  Went to 7.5 when I added the second batch of lead ingots.   Also got a really good cleaning (fluxing) of the lead.   Another important thing since I shoot cap and ball in Frontiersman is that I went to a better grade of lead and didn't use any wheel weights.    When I ran the bullets through the sizer they didn't need much adjusting. (easy to push through)   Now I need to save some quarters and buy a star lube/sizer.


Dick Dastardly

It's great when a plan comes together. :D

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

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