Holy Black

Started by Noz, November 17, 2008, 10:45:24 AM

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Touched base with several powder suppliers in the last week. Best price found at powder inc. in Arkansas. Easy to deal with.
Wound up buing 50 lbs of KIK

Dalton Masterson

I do the same there, but get the Skirmish for my shotguns, and Kik for the rest. Havent had any problems with either powder, and the skirmish is dirt cheap.
DM (who likes Powder Inc a bunch)
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.


I agree.  Good service!!!

Dick Dastardly

I have no personal varmint to pursue here, but I just got a full case of Schuetzen delivered, with hazmat, for under $300.  Came from Deer Creek in Waldron, IN.

Deer Creek Products
6989 E Michigan Rd
Waldron, IN 46182

Great service, great prices.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Dalton Masterson

DD, do they also sell muzzleloaders? I bought a 50 cal pistol from them if it is the same place. Great prices on that stuff. I had forgotten the name.

SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Dick Dastardly

I'm thinkn' that they cater more to the ML shooters than SASS or NCOWS.  I've been very satisfied with their prices and service.  For a while tho, they were under water.  It set them back a couple of months getting everything back up and running.

I've never had a bad reply from recommending them.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


Quote from: Dick Dastardly on November 17, 2008, 06:13:54 PM
I have no personal varmint to pursue here, but I just got a full case of Schuetzen delivered, with hazmat, for under $300.  Came from Deer Creek in Waldron, IN.

Deer Creek Products
6989 E Michigan Rd
Waldron, IN 46182

Great service, great prices.

Powder Inc. 25 lbs KIK for $263.

Dick Dastardly

Howdy Noz,

Does that price include the $20.00 Hazmat and the Shipping fee???  The price for the Schuetzen was right around the price you quoted, but with Hazmat and S&H it came close to $300.00 to my door in Wisconsin.  Also, KIK and Schuetzen are not the same product.  Again, I  have no axe to grind and no horse in this race.  I simply wanted to post another option.  We need all the options we can get.

Long live Holy Black!

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Dalton Masterson

DD, Powder Inc has all that included in the price. That is about what my last shipment was. Under 250 to my door anyway.
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.

Fox Creek Kid

Per my experiences, Schuetzen is ten times better than KIK, especially since Schuetzen is now made (post 2003) w/ Alder charcoal. DD, that's a great deal.  :o

Dick Dastardly

One thing I'm wanting to be real careful of here is that I have no "favorite" black powder.  They each have their mission.  I'm real happy to have actual choices.  Also, it's a good thing to have several good suppliers of our chosen propellant.  FWIW, this is my first experience with Schuetzen and so far I'm favorably impressed as compared to Swiss.

The only reason I mentioned Deer Creek is that they and I go back well beyond my involvement in SASS.  I've also dealt with Powder Inc.  I have yet to deal with Maine Powder House, but I have no reason to expect anything but the best service.  Grafs has been doing a great job and I'm one of their satisfied customers.

So, it's good to have a thread like this where pards can learn that there are a splendid variety of black powders available and a number of high quality vendors to buy them from.

We're all in this together.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Dalton Masterson

I have a feeling that most if not all blackpowder dealer/type people, are just like us cowboys. Just good to deal with. They have a pretty limited clientele, and probably know that thier clientele is pretty picky, and want to keep us happy.
I have never tried the Swiss or Schuetzen, and really cant see why I would need to. The Kik, Goex, and Skirmish has always been good to me. Someday I may try it and change my mind, but until then.... ;)
SASS #51139L
Former Territorial Governor of the Platte Valley Gunslingers (Ret)
GAF (Bvt.) Major in command of Battalion of Western Nebraska
SUDDS 194--Double Duelist and proud of it!
RATS #65
Gunfighting Soot Lord from Nebrasky
44 spoke, and it sent lead and smoke, and 17 inches of flame.


 ;D If you are in Louisiana or close by there is a friend of mine who has Jack's Powder Keg. He is the dealer for Goex. He's the City Court Judge in Marksville, La. His name is Angelo Piazza. The number is 888-245-9631 He does Civil War reenactment and has Cannon powder, and everything on down. Later David Shultz aka Fairshake
Deadwood Marshal  Border Vigilante SASS 81802                                                                         WARTHOG                                                                   NRA                                                                            BOLD So that His place shall never be with those cold and Timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat


Yes, DD the price includes Hazmat and shipping. We visited all the places except Deer Creek that have been mentioned. If you can see your way to go by Powder Inc., their "pick-up" prices are out of this world. We seriously considered driving down and buying bulk bags of powder but gas prices would have made the cost about even with what we paid. None of us have tried KIK before but have heard mild to heavy praise for it. If we could have found Scheutzen at a reasonable price we would have jumped on it but found nothing to compete with KIK price.

Adobe Walls Jumbo

Does anyone know DeerCreek's web address? Can't find it anywhere. Thanks. Jim UnderHammer.

Dick Dastardly

Far as I know, Deer Creek has no web address or email.  They do have a working telephone.  I think they are pretty much stuck in good old time business methods, including good old time service and honesty.  If they do put up a web site I'd expect that they would bring their great business practices along.  They're a good outfit.

Their contact info is on one of my posts earlier on this thread.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Dick Dastardly on February 10, 2009, 09:51:49 AM
Far as I know, Deer Creek has no web address or email.  They do have a working telephone.  I think they are pretty much stuck in good old time business methods, including good old time service and honesty.  If they do put up a web site I'd expect that they would bring their great business practices along.  They're a good outfit.

Their contact info is on one of my posts earlier on this thread.

You ought to SEE their place.  Deer Creek Powder is about 20-25 minutes from my house.  First, if you blink you'll miss it.  When you DO actually see it and decide that it's actually open, you'll notice it's in a Quonset hut-type building.  Ya go inside and a friendly old feller and his wife take your order and get what you want.  They also sell CCI & RWS/Dynamit Nobel caps.  The powder is the same price as it is with shipping.  A couple years ago, when I was there, I got Goex Cartridge for about $10.25/lb. while the only other supplier near enough for me to drive to was $14/lb.

It was an interesting as well as cost-saving experience.  Nice folks to do business with.

But NO website.  Phone # is: (765) 525-6181
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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