Need help with 50-95 reloading die selection!

Started by EdsPlace, February 10, 2009, 06:50:09 AM

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Hi All,

I'm brand new to this forum and hope you all will forgive me if this topic has been covered in the archives somewhere.  I'm the proud owner of a new Uberti '76 Winchester in 50-95 and after investing in one box of Ten-X ammo have decided that reloading is the way to go.  The die sets available have me completely baffled.  RCBS has a "Legacy Series 50-95 Winchester Express" priced around $45 and a "50-95 WCF" priced around $280.  Huh?  What's the difference?  I've seen other dies by CH(?) and 4D around $150.  What in the world is going on here?  Is the Uberti round different from from the original?  How so?  In all I've read about the originals anyway, it seems that 50-95 WCF and 50-95 Winchester Express are used interchangeably.

Once I figure out the proper dies to invest in, I'm interested in loading with the real thing (BP - is there anything else?).  The only BP rifle cartridge I'm currently reloading is the 43 Mauser (11.15 x 60R).  If anyone needs some info on that, please drop me a line.

Thanks again!



Looks like I posted this in the wrong spot guys.  I've moved this to the '76 page.  Thanks for your indulgence.


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