Well, I fininaly got the swivel knife out Yesterday & NO it didn't SNOW

Started by Ace Lungger, January 17, 2009, 07:20:52 AM

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Ace Lungger

Howdy Pards,
Well I got my knife out yesterday and some scrap leather, and I cased them! I looked at my blade, and it didn't look to bad, but it wasn't sharp :-X So I spend about a good 20 mins on it, I should of started off with another stone, but I decided to use one of my glass smooth stones ::) so i worked and worked and worked somemore, and then I went to stropping it a lot! It came out looking pretty good, and sharp to the touch, but I don't think sharp enough ??? After my scrap peices started looking like there allmost orginal color, i started ::) Well it didn't cut like butter, so I guess back to the drawing board! There is got to be something I am doing wrong, when I case leather! I watch Chuck's DVD and did just like he shows, and no butter?
I might of been okay, untill I went to (Show your Stuff, and saw MS's 2,3,4, and maybe i will go back to stamping :o)
Not going to get to work on anything much today got to get some stuff moved in the big shop, so a guy coming tomorrow can pick up a load of my wood working tools! And the big problem is, I can't move nothing and these teenage boys think they got to make $15.00 per hour or they would rather lay on the couch and play X-Box, I hate to see what our world will be like when that generation gets our age!
So If I am not on for a few days, don't worry about it.
you all have a nice weekend!
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


i agree with ya there lunger hate seeing theses kids laying around thinkin videos games is a way of life drives be batty but kinda hard to tell teenages what to do  so i look  at it this way they will get theres in the end  I always looked at it this way when i was growing up if ya wanted something eitherr you worked your ass offf for it or you helped out when needed and it didnt take quite as long to get what ya wanted lol


Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

JD Alan

I got a suggestion, Ace. If you think the problem is the lack of sharpness of your blade, I'll bet Marshall Will would do a one time check it out sharpen it if it needs it deal for you. While I'm just guessing here, from my experience Will is one of the most helpful people on a forum any time any where. His knowledge of all things leather is very good, and he really seems to have a handle on sharpening things.

Anyway, just a thought.

Today is the Orygun Cowboys first shoot of the year, and I'm really looking forward to it. It's clear, still below freezing, but it's suppose to get up to 43 today.   
The man with an experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.


cool jd one day id like to see a shoot like that have  fun good luck and God Bless

Ace Lungger

member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


good morning ace
       how r u  good here do you have a keen edge swivel knife sharpen they sell threw tandy
If not invest in one i did and wow works wonders on a knife blade  I glue a fine piece of wet and dry sand paper on my marble and got to town with it  lol make sure ya add a littl water


oh and tandy has that sharpner on sale this month for 9.99 plus tax

Marshal Will Wingam

Ace, when you sharpen your blade, make sure you polish out all the mill/grinder marks from the manufacturer before you even start polishing it. New blades really are badly cut. Also, take it down far enough to get a sharp corner. The new swivel knives I got had rounded corners and that is not good for ease of cutting. On my new ones, I had to take the blade down about 1/8" to get sharp corners. With rounded corners, the blades tend to want to ride over the leather rather than cut. Once shaped, polish it with jewelers rouge until the whole thing is shiny and has a fine edge. While working with it, strop it every time it starts to drag through the leather to get the natural oils off it. I don't remember the angle, but Chuck's DVD should give you that.

SCORRS     SASS     BHR     STORM #446


good advice marshel  i just bought the little tool for sharpening the blades threw tandy and use fine
wet dry sand paper then strop it real good and work like a hot knife threw butter


Howdy Ace
If you still have problems with it mail the blade to me and I'll take care of it for you.
Leather by WC / Standing Bear's Trading Post

Ace Lungger

Thanks everyone, I need to get that keen tool that holds the blade at 30 degrees, I gotten it sharper, and I new I had a small angled blade and I like it the best (now tell me why I shouldn't use it all the time) I have some stones that I have had for 30 years, I have cut every peice of leather with the same stanley knife blade I started off with! I keep that blade, so sharp! I stone it on the start of every job, and strop it 3-4 times on every job, and it still cuts better than  new because I have took all the edge marks off.
  After all this time, I still don't think i know how to properly case leather?? I have read, and read, and read somemore, and I do it, like it shows to do it, but I havn't learned the secret!
Thanks for the offer WC.
I will be working on it some more tomorrow!
Thanks ACE
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

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