Confederate Dance revolver

Started by Bad Ramon, February 07, 2009, 07:07:17 AM

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Bad Ramon

Recently I traded some reloading items for a replica of a Dance Revolver. This is a Dixie Gun Works replica made by Pietta. The frame looks like a Navy size, but it is .44 cal. The gun is really unique because it has no recoil shields. Has anyone fired one of these and what is your take on it?.................


Years ago I read an article by Phil Spangenberger (sp?) as I recall in G+A or ST.  I'll look through my stuff and see if I can come up with it.  As I recall, he had good words to say.  At the very least it was an honest replica of a gun actually used in the civil war, made in Texas if I remember correctly.  The only warning may be obvious to you already - those exposed caps create a hazard of accidental discharge should they catch a stray whack.  I'll check my stuff and see what I can come up with.


Well, one of us must be living right, I actually found the article in my archives of ripped out articles worth keeping!  At any rate, it was from a May 1986 article by Phil Spangenburger in Guns and Ammo.  The gun he reviewed was an Uberti, sold through Southwest Muzzle-loaders Supply, Inc., P.O. Box 921, Dept. GA, Angleton, TX77515.  I think you said that your gun was a Pietta (?) so there may be some variation.  Also, the one he reviewed was in .36 rather than .44 - so in retrospect, I may have nothing to offer at all.  Oh Well.  At the very least, the history of the original gun was pretty interesting.  In the style that resembled the .36 Colt Navy, sans recoil shield, there were extremely few made.  Less than 50 original Dance Brother's revolvers are still known to be around, and most of them were Dragoon style, heavier frames, .44's, etc. but all versions were made with steel frames.  As to the review piece, Phil was pretty positive, except for the trigger.  And he didn't mention the risk of accidental discharge due to the absence of a recoil shield, so maybe that's less of an issue than I would imagine it.  I'm still imagining however! Anyway, enjoy the gun!


I posted a short history of the replica Dance Revolvers on this site on Jan. 9, 2009.  You might want to check it out.

Bad Ramon

Thanks so much for your input on the Dance revolver. I had no idea that so many replicas of the Dance had already been made. Since the one I have is obviously the last version, I will offer a few comments. I have copy of Civil War Guns by Edwards and a single printing copy of Confederate Longarms and Pistols by Anthony and Hill. These are unique publications and show a total of 5 different Dance revolvers. The one singular feature of all these revolvers is that none of them have a square-back trigger guard as does the Pietta replica that I have. Also the plate in the Cival War Guns is shown a .44 and a .36 Dance and the difference in size between the two is really significant.

                           If I decide to use this pistol for CAS, I think I will cut down the length of the barrel to 6 1/4" which is the length of the .36 Dance revolver. Also, I have ordered a regular 51' Navy grip frame without the square-back trigger guard. I think once this is finished it will be a pretty unique revolver....................

Fox Creek Kid

In the book on Dance revolvers, there is at least one with a squareback TG I believe. The .44 Dance revolvers were made on a frame size a hair smaller than a Dragoon, and not the Army frame Pietta uses for their version as sold by Pietta today. I have an Uberti .36 Dance NIB.,23450.0.html

Bad Ramon

                        Actually the frame on the Dance that Pietta currently offers is more of a Navy size frame. I would like to see someone make a .36 cal. Dance on this size frame, with a 6 1/4" in. barrel, and a round trigger-guard. Maybe the reason this isn't being done is so that no one will try to "antique" it and pass off as an original..................

G. Harbinger

Howdy boys -
The Dance topic got my attention.  They are an interesting and different looking piece.  I'd have to do more looking to say anything important on 'wm techincally, but I can tell you this:  i have seen a picture of an Indian with a dance revolver in his belt.  An Apache, I think, but I'll have to do a lot of looking to find the picture again.
Point is, although not many are known to survive currently, they did get used even after the War of Northern Aggression.  Maybe cheap surplus traded to Injuns, maybe a prize taken in a raid; who knows.
-- G. Harbinger
Washington Territory

Fox Creek Kid

Quote from: G. Harbinger on February 15, 2009, 10:29:39 PM...i have seen a picture of an Indian with a dance revolver in his belt.  An Apache, I think,...

It was Geronimo.

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