Hazardous Duty

Started by Bull Schmitt, August 19, 2008, 12:16:25 PM

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Bull Schmitt

Is there a GAF award for Hazardous Duty??? :-\

Thought I would ask since I just celebrated 50 years with my wife!!!  ;D

Col Bull

Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

Bristow Kid

If not there should be.  Congratulations on 50 years of service. 
Prayer Posse
NCOWS #2540
Grand Army of the Frontier #437
Department of the Missouri
PWDFR #149
RATS #233
SASS #68717

US Scout


You are now authorized to change the brass ring in your nose for a gold one!  ;D

Congratualtions.  I'm just coming up on my 25th, so I have a long way to go yet.

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen, GAF

Texas Lawdog

His wife might feel that she deserves the medal.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Zouave Officer

Congratulations to you both.

If there was ever a task that deserved a Medal that sure is it, for both parites, you for having to put up with her, and her for not killing you, ha ha.  ;D Hopefully you'll have many more happy years.
- Captain, "Palmetto Riflemen" & "New York Zouaves."
- Charles Devens Jr. Camp No. 10, Sons of Union Veterans.
- Micah J. Jenkins Camp No. 164, Sons of Spanish American War Veterans.

"There's no use dodging. You will be hit when your body and bullets are at the same place at the same time...."
Captain Henry J. Reilly, Battery F, 5th U.S. Artillery, 1898.

Texas Lawdog

I don't have quite as many years of marriage as Bull, My wife and I will celebrate 35 in March.  I owe it all to my wife, I have been a LEO during our entire married life and says a lot about her.
SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Mustang Gregg

I will be at 29 years duty with my first (and proably LAST) wife in a coupla months.
Made it this far 'cause I do a lot of TDY's. 

Ltc (bvt) Mustang Gregg
Division of Nebraska
"I have two guns.  {CLICK--CLICK}  One for each of ya."
"Mustang Gregg" Clement-----NRA LIFER, since '72-----SASS Life & Territorial Governor-----GAF #64-----RATS #0 & Forum Moderator-----BP Warthog------Distinguished Pistol 2004------SAIROC & MMTC Instructor-----Owner of Wild West Arms, Inc. [gun shop] Table Rock, NE------CASTIN' & BLASTIN'!!!!


You know Bull, by calling it "hazardous duty" it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.  :o ::)

Congratulations to you both!
I'm only a couple of months into year 27.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

Bull Schmitt

Thanks fellows for the fine thoughts and wishes. My wife is the love of my life and truly deserves a medal!!

US Scout - You are about to be promoted from the brass ring to the silver one. Wearing the ring isn't so bad but when they yank on it it sure gets one's attention!! :o

Texas Lawdog - She surly deserves a medal for putting up with me.  The first 35 are the hardest. :D

Zouave Officer - She is a good shot but with a head start I can still out run her. :)

Mustang Gregg - TDYs are good. Keeping the "job jar" empty helps.

Pitspitr - A self fulfilling prophecy? I showed her this thread and she is smiling. Is this a good sign?? :-\

Col Bull

Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

US Scout


You'll recall I met your missus some years back. All I'm going to say is that you're a very lucky man!  If I was you, I'd keep her for at least another 50 years.

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen, GAF

Bull Schmitt


The real question is will she put up with me for another 50 years??? :o

Col Bull
Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

US Scout

Quote from: Bull Schmitt on August 20, 2008, 10:59:30 PM
The real question is will she put up with me for another 50 years??? :o

Col Bull


She might, then again she might not.

I learned a long time ago not to try to understanding the thinking and/or reasoning of women. 

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen, GAF

Texas Lawdog

SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Bull Schmitt

You two fellows keep going down this path you will also be candidates for the Hazardous Duty award!! ;D
Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster


Quote from: US ScoutI learned a long time ago not to try to understanding the thinking and/or reasoning of women.

Quote from: Bull SchmittYou two fellows keep going down this path you will also be candidates for the Hazardous Duty award!!

Share the danger... I frequently advise: "Young man, do not attempt to understand why a woman does anything - that way lies madness."  ;D
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Steel Horse Bailey

Well, Congratulations, Col. Bull, Sir!  To you and your Bride!

I've been married since 1971, but only the last 20 years to the RIGHT woman!

My wife is my best friend - and possibly worst enemy - if you know what I mean!  ;)

Having spent a lot of years married to her and in uniform, it takes a special lady - and mine is.  Sounds like yours is, too.  (In my case I think it helped that she had worn a uniform too - just not the same ans mine.  She was in the WRAC -Women's Royal Army Corps.  But as you can imagine, there are plenty of similarities from one Military to another!!)

Here's hoping for ANOTHER 50 for you and your "better half'!


Jeff  "Steel Horse Bailey"
Bvt. Lt Col. J.C. Bailey
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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