A brave 7 y.o. Cowboy rides like the wind!!!

Started by James Hunt, August 29, 2008, 03:46:02 PM

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James Hunt

Last weekend I was at a mounted shoot and was privileged to see 7 y.o. Wyatt "Twerp" ride his 6 y.o. Mustang in the Wrangler class. Wyatt was the youngest shooter/rider I have ever seen compete. Mom stood at the far end of the arena and gave that pony a push and Wyatt crossed the timer at a lope. He never blew a pattern. He steered his horse through all the gates, around all the barrels and then rounded the rundown barrel and came home at a canter. Throughout he remained perfectly balanced and looked where he was going. If that horse started to go the wrong way he stopped it, backed up and got through the gate! We had the 2006 world champion competing with us, and to be honest I enjoyed Wyatt's ride more-so. By the way his mom and dad were both good competitors. This little guy had courage, and was totally focused on the horse and the course. He never looked around for his mom, not once. Also, look at that loose rein with the snaffle! I never saw him use his horse's mouth to balance against. He was great.

Thought you'd like to see the pictures.

Wyatt rounds the run down barrel and heads for home.

Wyatt bringing his pony home on the run.

Wranglers shoot from the ground, all with a full load of black powder, at a row of 5 balloons on the ground. Most kids take careful aim and touch one off, take careful aim and so-on. Not Wyatt, with Mom at his side he took that pistol and pow-pow-pow-pow-pow, five balloons broke. Took the second gun and pow-pow-pow-pow-pow five more down in rapid succession.

He can ride and he can shoot - and he's seven years old!
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Dr. Bob


Thanks for posting this.  The future of our sport! ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

HorsePen Henry

The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.
-Will Rogers-

The price of FREEDOM is in blood and money and time. Mostly in blood. It aint free.
Belly up to the bar and quit yer bitchin'. Be grateful to those who have paid the ultimate price.
-Horse Pen-

"Never squat with yer spurs on and never high five a baby after waffles."
-author unknown, but it coulda been Will Rogers-

STORM #300

Deadeye Don

Cute, but just wait until he is older and finds out what "twerp" really means. 
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Dedwood Dave

It'll be cool to see him ride and shoot at the same time. (Said in a friendly way.) Or was he?
Don't get excited about the light at the other end of the tunnel. (It might be another train.)

NCOWS family 2908
4H Pistol
Quigley shooter

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: deadwooddave on September 04, 2008, 08:00:29 PM
It'll be cool to see him ride and shoot at the same time. (Said in a friendly way.) Or was he?

Howdy, David!

As to your question, no - Wranglers (and I'm sorry, I don't know the age breakdown) shoot on the ground, then do their "horsin' around.  And they get to wear really odd Cowboy hats.  And all said in a friendly way.

::)  ;D

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

O.T. Buchannan

That's beautiful to see young one's that age getting into it.  THEY are the future of our sports!  I might have to get this kid to give me some pointers...I haven't been up on a horse in a while.....
"If the grass is greener on the other side, water your OWN lawn."



Seeing the photos and your description of that young man makes me get that warm feeling inside.  As a young boy of seven or so, my father bought me my first shotgun.  A bolt action Marlin .410.  And although I remember many hunting trips with my father and that gun, the real gift he gave me was that of trust.  My mom's family was totally against guns and especially a young person having a gun.  My dad faced tremendous family pressure and some not so nice comments.  I was determined to prove to all concerned that my dad made the right choice.  As a matter of record, to date-- forty years later, I have yet to shoot anyone.

Thanks for the post.
VisionQuest '87 PA to FL via covered wagon
"If everything isn't black and white, I say, "Why the hell not?"--John Wayne

Dedwood Dave

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on September 05, 2008, 07:01:38 AM

Howdy, David!

As to your question, no - Wranglers (and I'm sorry, I don't know the age breakdown) shoot on the ground, then do their "horsin' around. :D  And they get to wear really odd Cowboy hats.  And all said in a friendly way.

::)  ;D

Yeah they were'nt exactly othintic, but riding a horse is one thing he can do that i can't
Don't get excited about the light at the other end of the tunnel. (It might be another train.)

NCOWS family 2908
4H Pistol
Quigley shooter

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: deadwooddave on September 05, 2008, 07:33:03 PM
Yeah they weren't exactly authentic, but riding a horse is one thing he can do that I can't.

At that age, they're more concerned about safety so if the young person gets thrown, they won't get seriously hurt.  Hopefully.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

James Hunt

There is no requirement for a wrangler to wear a helmet, in fact he was the only one that was. However, anyone can wear a helmet in CMSA competition if they desire - safety trumps a hat. I don't know that I have ever seen a helmet on an adult. So far the safety police and trial lawyers have not infected our sport. If you don't have brains enough to wear a helmet, then what is there to injure? Ought to apply to motorcycles also.
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Deadeye Don

Quote from: James Hunt on September 09, 2008, 05:33:36 PM
There is no requirement for a wrangler to wear a helmet, in fact he was the only one that was. However, anyone can wear a helmet in CMSA competition if they desire - safety trumps a hat. I don't know that I have ever seen a helmet on an adult. So far the safety police and trial lawyers have not infected our sport. If you don't have brains enough to wear a helmet, then what is there to injure? Ought to apply to motorcycles also.

That is shocking to me that they dont require children to wear protective head gear on a horse.   While adults supposedly have the ability to make informed decisions regarding head gear, children most certainly do not.   I am glad to see that Wyatts parents chose to protect their sons brain and life.  Those that say helmets dont protect you in a fall from a motorcycle or a horse need to make a visit to an emergency room, rehabilitation hospital or morgue.  Their minds would be changed fast.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

James Hunt

Deadeye: While I understand your viewpoint, I guess I am of a different mind.

The safety police have gone over the top on many issues - to quote a line from Josie Wales, ".... there ain't no end to do'in good". In my little community your kid can not get on his bike without a helmet or the parent is subject to some sort of ticket. Perhaps we should require all children to wear a life jacket when using a swimming pool, at least until the age of 18 when they can make an informed decision as to whether they would want to voluntarily engage in the potentially fatal activity of swimming.

The equine industry has dodged that bullet, I guess it is just to small to be noticed east  of the Mississippi and cultural trends are to strong west of the big muddy. While many English riding organizations demand the use of a helmet, most western related activities do not. But remember, these are the folks that ride bad horses and bulls for fun and they start doing it in middle school - helmets optional!!! Lord you gotta love the cowboy crowd.

To my knowledge there has never been a life threatening injury, or even a serious injury to a wrangler, and despite the speed and quick turns there has never been a death in the sport. It will happen someday I'm sure, but the incident of injury is small.

To me, potentially far more dangerous is the live fire shooting that SASS and NCOWS does. While safety procedures are in effect, the opportunity for someone to touch one off in the wrong direction is certainly there. When that happens, it would be a trial lawyers dream case (can you imagine the image drawn in a jurors mind seeing a bunch of yahoo's running around in cowboy clothing with two guns, a rifle, and a shotgun strapped to them). Also, when was the last time you signed a reviewed iron clad waiver specific for your posse and NCOWS to include a lengthy informed consent statement descriptive of all possible negative outcomes prior to shooting. Tell me of the written emergency response plan with certified 1st responders who rehearse an emergency event once a quarter that is associated with your posse? (we have that stuff in mounted shooting)

Never-the-less, I agree that a helmet on anyone is better, that said I remain respectfully yours as I pull my hat down over my ears and kick my critter into high gear.

"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

HorsePen Henry

Quote from: James Hunt on August 29, 2008, 03:46:02 PM
Last weekend I was at a mounted shoot and was privileged to see 7 y.o. Wyatt "Twerp" ride his 6 y.o. Mustang in the Wrangler class. Wyatt was the youngest shooter/rider I have ever seen compete. Mom stood at the far end of the arena and gave that pony a push and Wyatt crossed the timer at a lope. He never blew a pattern. He steered his horse through all the gates, around all the barrels and then rounded the rundown barrel and came home at a canter. Throughout he remained perfectly balanced and looked where he was going. If that horse started to go the wrong way he stopped it, backed up and got through the gate! We had the 2006 world champion competing with us, and to be honest I enjoyed Wyatt's ride more-so. By the way his mom and dad were both good competitors. This little guy had courage, and was totally focused on the horse and the course. He never looked around for his mom, not once. Also, look at that loose rein with the snaffle! I never saw him use his horse's mouth to balance against. He was great.

Thought you'd like to see the pictures.

Wyatt rounds the run down barrel and heads for home.

Wyatt bringing his pony home on the run.

Wranglers shoot from the ground, all with a full load of black powder, at a row of 5 balloons on the ground. Most kids take careful aim and touch one off, take careful aim and so-on. Not Wyatt, with Mom at his side he took that pistol and pow-pow-pow-pow-pow, five balloons broke. Took the second gun and pow-pow-pow-pow-pow five more down in rapid succession.

He can ride and he can shoot - and he's seven years old!

That cowboy knows how to sit a horse. A lot a full grown bullriders have enough sense to wear head and body protection. That there is one smart lil' cowboy.
Of course, some of us figger bullridin' ta be a great spectator sport.  ;D

X Horse Pen
The more you read and observe about this Politics thing, you got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that's out always looks the best.
-Will Rogers-

The price of FREEDOM is in blood and money and time. Mostly in blood. It aint free.
Belly up to the bar and quit yer bitchin'. Be grateful to those who have paid the ultimate price.
-Horse Pen-

"Never squat with yer spurs on and never high five a baby after waffles."
-author unknown, but it coulda been Will Rogers-

STORM #300

James Hunt

Horsepen: You've sure have this little fella pegged! Look at him again, loose rein, deep seat, heels down - perfectly balanced!!! And if that were not enough he worked a single action pistol with 30 grains of black powder faster than most adults could - hitting all of his balloons. Wow.
"The duty is ours, the results are God's." (John Quincy Adams)

Ransom Gaer

From you're description and photos that sounds like some cowboy.  You better watch out.  If he's this good at this age when he gets older he's gonna be unbeatable. ;D

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

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