Some odd balls ! Pics

Started by Alabama, August 02, 2008, 10:38:17 PM

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Howdee Yall ,
Newbee to the forum here , thought you might enjoy some of my rare-er reproductions in my collection that are seldome seen but fantastic arms indeed .

This one is the Target Model .44  " Rogers and Spencer "  I built up . It has a great color Paduk Wood set of grips I made . This hum-dinger is a tack driver !  ;D

Next is the overlooked too often " Spiller and Burr " in of course .36 Cal..... This one sports my custom Black Walnut grips . She is a sharp handlin revolver indeed  ;D  God save the South !!!!!! God help the Rabbits too , they run scared from this baby !

Just a samplin of some way overlooked fine firearms that certainly deserve some more interest . They certainly are extremely reliable and accurate arms to boot .

Sincerely ,


Great portraits of some lovely ladies well adorned.
"Frontiersman: the only category where you can shoot your wad and play with your balls while tweeking the nipples on a pair of 44s." Canada Bill

Since I have 14+ guns, I've been called the Imelda Marcos of Cap&Ball. Now, that's a COMPLIMENT!

Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers
NRA Life
CASer since 1992


Well Hellgate , thank ya Sir ,
Lovely Ladies always need to be shown off I supposum  ;D

Best thing about the Spiller and Burr , cylinder drops out easy like the Remingtons 58 Models . Haveing a flush mounted forcing cone to frame provides an amazing amount of " Bark " from this little beast when she goes bang . It is louder than my Walkers or Dragoons by far .  ;D

Thanks again , Alabama

Dick Dastardly

I wouldn't call 'em 'odd balls', but they probably shoot round balls just fine.  Nice lookin' guns.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies


You may be correct this time Dick Dastardly ,
about the revolvers not being odd-balls , but the owner sure is  :P ;D
You got to admit you aint seen a Spiller and Burr on the fireing line much if at all have ya ?
Good thing I made my post Plural ( Odd Balls ) so not to confuse anyone that I was just talking about the revolvers in the pics and that I am normal or think that way , God forbid  ;D
Oh yes , me and my " Revolver Possey " are far from being less than strange .  ;D
I also think it sounded better as a topic title to go with " Odd Balls " rather than " Odd Conicals "  , kinda boring sounding ??  :P
They just don't roll as well either ?  ;D

Have you a great shiney sunny day to ya too today Mr. Dastardly ,
and thanks for the compliment .


Steel Horse Bailey

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Paladin UK

The S&B is a bootiful smokepole, Here`s a piccie of mine......

I gave her a `haircut` and fitted a ramp forsight `n` the custom grips are from Russ `n` Hound, shes gotta be gettin on fer `bout 9 now, she`s shot a lot as ya can see from the wear marks, But hey!! thats what their for!! :D 

Paladin (What lurvs his Spilla!! ;D ) UK

I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Very Cool looking revolver you gots there Paladin UK , very cool .  ;D
That's what mine will look like some year too am sure . You got some rounds through that baby !!!!! I bet it's smooth as silk now too , not that they don't come pretty nice as is . I don't know about yours , but mine will POP any cap ever made , it has the strongest hammer spring I ever felt in my life ? You don't even need to seat the caps ( but I do ) it will do it for ya .
Cool , very cool to see another one .  ;D

Thanks for the pic ,

Steel Horse Bailey

Quote from: Alabama on August 03, 2008, 03:23:58 PM
...  but mine will POP any cap ever made , it has the strongest hammer spring I ever felt in my life ? You don't even need to seat the caps ( but I do ) it will do it for ya .
Cool , very cool to see another one .  ;D

Thanks for the pic ,

Alabammie - yep!

And now maybe some will understand better just why those guns have such stout springs!  Dependability!  It means a LOT when ya gotta use one of them pieces to save yer life! (God forbid)

PS - Did I mention how much I LOVE the S&B guns?

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Steel Horse Bailey ,

Yes Sir Ree , a stout spring aint a bad thing ! Good nipples are a good thing too to have too . Proper fitting nipples are even better , and no funnin around on either of those by the way . Especially for you serious Match Guys and Gals here . The S & B will sure fill that bill right up for surely , she is strong all the way around , massive frame , heavy duty loading lever , thick cylinder and barrel , she has it all . Best thing is it shoots sweet and points sweet too  ;D And of course it looks great too . And its smaller than the standard size Colts and Remingtons which makes it mighty handy sized , especially for a field grade bunny hunter revolver . She's top notch for that job , trust me  ;D

Sincerely, Alabama

PS. And yes , you did tell us how much you like the Spiller and Burr  ;D  Obviously as much as I do !!!!!
PSS .. I looked at your arsenal on PBucket , we could hold them off for months I bet between what you got and what I got  ;D

Dr. Bob

Sheeeeesh!  This has turned into a Spiller & Burr love-fest!  It's almost embarrassing! :o :-[ ;D ;D  Well, I did say ALMOST! ::) ;) ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Steel Horse Bailey

A Spiller & Burr love fest?

Well, I'd sure LOVE to have one!  That speaks volumes, 'cause in terms of handguns, I kinda live by the theory that the best handguns should always start with the number "4!"


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Spiller and Burr love-festival , okeedokkeee  :-* :-* :-* :-* ;D  ;D  ;D

I guess if your guns are just tools to ya , then this would be an embarrasing kinda topic  ???
I would think from what little yall know of me and from what I have shared with the forum here it is obvious I LOVE my guns .
Yes , I sleep with them , fondle them , talk to them , shoot them , cuss them from time to time , and I even tuck them in at night with a prayer to God Almighty I am so fortunate to owne all of them too . Emmbarrasing ? Naw , that's just darned AWSOME behaviour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;D
And yes , my Fiance' does know where she stands with my guns . But I will add , I know where I stand with hers too ! Hee hee hee  ;D

Sincerely, Alabama

Bead Swinger

For you Spiller and Burr Lovebirds  :o...
'Got an old S&B repro that desperately needs refinished - all of the bluing was stripped badly, and the trigger is way too light for safe shooting.

Any suggestions for someone you'd trust to clean one up and tune it?  ???

Suggestions welcome.
1860 Rifle SN 23954


How's about yourself Bead Swinger ?
Parts are easy to get and it aint any harder than a New Army , maybe even easier , smaller parts . Slap ina new sear and hand and everything else while your at it , you'll be good to go .
Who needs blueing anyway ,  ;D Blueings for new guns ha ha .
Good luck and am sure womeone will chime in with relative facts, unlike mine .  ;D


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