Please don't bite (A lesson learn the hard way is)

Started by Ace Lungger, June 11, 2008, 12:44:54 PM

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Ace Lungger

I have read, several artical's in books on how you know when your leaher is cased!  Okay, the leather that has been in thefrig for a long time, has no mold or mildew, they ae sealed in a zip lock bag, I pulled one piece out at 7:am here, and didn't start working on it untill about 10:30, I never saw any light spots and the edges seemed pretty soft, by that time my back said bye, bye, i put it back in it bag and back in the frig.! I never saw it chane olors, so more that likely It wasn't ready to work? I know that you guys that do this stuff for a living, and a lot of the rest of this group that just do it bcaus they love it, must have some tips or clues to tell me.
I hope there will be a time that a newbie will come on here and ask a question and I will be able to answer what they need! I have learned everything I know by watching someone r as someone, or just did it! But no more good hours  get in a day to get up a do something, I have to ask these dumb question! I think that is why those two holster cut outs have been in the frig. so long, is I want to do a good job, something That I can show off and be real proud off! My other rigs don't look bad from 10 feet, you can eve get closer to the Black ACE Deablo!
I will be great full for all help :) :) :) :) :)

Now you see I put them 2 holster cut outs in big ziplock bags and put them in my little fringerator that I keep my beverages in. I like my bevs. to be COLD! I wasn't thinking about the leather! Last night after a lot of thinking(which is hard on my head) thats why I keep my bev. cold, I went out to the shop, got a cut out in the bag and place in on the counter unzipped! 5am this morning I go out to the shop and and get out of the bag and let it are dry till 7am, then i went out and it tooled like putty :) :)
So the Lesson Learned "Don't keep your leather in the same place you keep you drinkables"!!
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961


Howdy Ace - no dumb questions........
1) you may not have got it wet enough to begin with?
2) keep a dry piece of the SAME leather to compare to
3) If it was out for 3.5 hours something should have changed - I live in a very dry area so any leather would have dried out completely in that time...
4) When "right" it will look dry or almost dry but will feel cool to the touch - touch it to your cheek
5) Other than that it is a matter of time - somethings take time to learn, but remember this isn't a race and we all learn/grow at our own pace - for many years I would frustrate myself, I finally learned not to and my work got exponentially better....a feller once said about my work "You have captured that elusive zen concept of perfection within imperfection". That for me is the highest compliment I've ever been paid........
aka Nolan Sackett
Frontier Knifemaker & Leathersmith

Ace Lungger

Well I  Should of put it outside but I didn't, the Humdity right now is 87%! I was afraid that I wouldn't keep checking on it would of totaly dryed out. I hate to let it sit out all night, but I am sure it would be dry and then I would have to recase it. I guess Ill get it out tomorrow and place it in the sub gor a while.
Thanks Chuck
member of the Cas City Leather family!
Member of Storms
Member of Brown
SASS # 80961

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