Australia Gun Buyback has no effect on murder rate

Started by Stump Water, October 25, 2006, 03:52:54 PM

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Texas Tall

BUYBACK ?? They never owned 'em in the firstplace. >:( >:(

See ya .............................TT ;) ;)
If you've gotta cheat ta win, you've only beaten y'self.
SASS# 47630
GSC 002

Dakota Dan from OZ

This is another fine example of a Federal Government pulling the wool over our eyes  >:( >:( >:(

My Pa once said "Son never take a knife to Gun Fight"  He told the truth.
SASS# 28875
SASS State Governor
SASA  Aust #2715
SASA State Discipline Chairman
RATS 239
GSC 001

Wallaby Jack

Interesting, the spin put on the failure by it's articheques an' supporters ..........

............................. what a bunch of whiney butts
You don't gotta be insane to do this,
but it sure helps.


Dont even get me started - its all engendered by the criminals who run the Governments of Oz and Kiwiland to take our heaters away from us by NOT targetting the ones who misuse guns - we all know the story, disarm the honest and only criminals will have guns and the crime rate will rise accordingly.
The anti gun PC do gooders are the sort of twits who would allow themselves to be sold down the drain on the promises of the exact opposite of what they get!
No...dont get me started!
What was it that CXhuck Connors said "They will prise my gun from my cold dead hands" - I am going one better, I am getting buried with my original Colt navy and 1865 Spencer, after all if no ones allowed to have them on the surface then I may as well take em with me downstairs!

Deadeye Don

While Chuck Conners AKA the rifleman may have thought that, it was actually Charleton Heston who said it.   ;) ;D
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Buffalo Creek Law Dog

This is what happens when people vote in Liberal Governments. :( :(

I would sooner poke my eye out with a sharp stick than vote Liberal.
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