Started by UncleRed, December 27, 2004, 05:46:33 AM

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Hi to all, from this side of the pond.  Hope you all had a great Christmas  ;D

Living in England, I get no chance to shoot CAS.  Hopefully I am going to put that right next year on a visit to Texas.  But I need some help...

I bought the DVD of EOT 2004, and thought it very good.  But I want either a video, or DVD that will explain the basics.  I have looked on the SASS website, and I'm not sure which one would be best to buy...any help gratefully received.
"There's things gnaw at a man, worse than dying"

Charley Waite...Open Range

Four-Eyed Buck

Uncle Red, any of the series by Bounty Hunter. Believe the first one is titled A Complete Guide& Introduction To CAS, the jacket on the one I have is green. It was copyrighted in 1995. the second is titled The Top Shooters Guide To The Exciting Sport of CAS. It was copyrighted in 1996. It's subtitled PartI Approach and Technique. These are excellent and explain the sport quite well. Hunter Scott Anderson is the producer and was one of our top competitors for quite a few years. These two should go pretty far to explain the basics of the sport. Hope this helps............Buck 8) :) :)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....


Thanks Buck...I've looked on the SASS website, and there is a video called the Bar-H Introduction to CAS.  Is this the same one as you mentioned, do you know....?  It does have a green cover, but there's not much info. on the site.   :-\   :-\

Cheers Red
"There's things gnaw at a man, worse than dying"

Charley Waite...Open Range


Bar H is indeed Bounty Hunter. Enjoy!!!!
It seems my hypocrocy knows no bounds.

Four-Eyed Buck

Yes, Uncle Red, that's it.................Buck 8) :)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....


 ;D  :)  Many thanks guys, I'll be getting my order off later today...nice to come across such a helpful bunch.   :)  :)
"There's things gnaw at a man, worse than dying"

Charley Waite...Open Range

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