Another Show and Tell

Started by RattlesnakeJack, February 11, 2008, 01:13:31 AM

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Celebrate with me the finalization of the deal for my latest "toy" - It arrived on Friday "on approval" and today I concluded the transaction via e-mail .....

My new acquisition is a Model 1878 Colt Double Action revolver which is "likely" one of 1,001 such revolvers purchased by the Canadian Dept. of Militia & Defence in early 1885 for the North West Rebellion.  The great majority of these revolvers never received any Government ownership markings, no official records were kept of serial numbers, and they were not purchased directly from Colt so it is impossible to get definitive confirmation from the factory records. (They were acquired from Hartley & Graham in New York, who apparently had almost 500 revolvers in inventory at the critical time, and who obtained the balance of the order from Colt as quickly as they could.)  What one must look for is the correct configuration (nickle plated, hard rubber grips, 7.5" barrel, .45 Colt) in the serial number range confirming 1883 through early-1885 manufacture .... and if such a revolver turns up in Canada it is "likely" from that contract.  There are maybe 40 or so known revolvers which bear some identifiable markings - indicating unit of issue or the like - but those command a premium in price, understandably.

The one I have just acquired meets all of the criteria for an unmarked Canadian Militia revolver ... and you can bet your boots that I am going to spring the $100 fee to acquire a Colt factory letter, in the hope of confirming that it was sold to Hartley & Graham.  (Even if the letter fails to do that, there is still some possibility that this is a North West Rebellion revolver, because apparently more than a hundred additional revolvers were purchased "locally" in the West, mainly from Hudson's Bay Company stores, and no records exist to identify the HBC's supplier(s) ....)

Click thumbnails to enlarge ....

Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier


New toy are allways fun and it looks like you got yourself a very special one.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life

Dr. Bob


A fine specimen of a shooting iron!  I will forward the bill for the new keyboard to replace the one that shorted out while is was drooling over the pictures! ::) ;)  You do have impeccable taste old chap!!  Pip pip! ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Icebox Bob

The perfect mate for your '76..

Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;) Drool Drool Drool,  ;) Envy, Envy, Envy,  ;)

Was there another one, wherever you found that one??????
Well.... see, if you take your time, you get a more harmonious outcome.

Steel Horse Bailey

"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Charlie Bowdre

A great piece and no doubt a fine example of the Rebellion . Congrats

"I'm too old to go soldiering any more , too stiff in the joints to ride point and too dam fat to wrestle drunks Any day they don't pat you on the face with a shovel is a good one"

BOLD 887 
Bvt.Major  Chaplain  GAF  502 
STORM 271 
SASS 87747

Sir Charles deMouton-Black

Jack;  Wouldn't I.G.Baker of Fort Benton be a likely conduit for the revolvers purchased in the West?

BTW;  I drool, and am totally envious!
NCOWS #1154, SCORRS, STORM, BROW, 1860 Henry, Dirty Rat 502, CHINOOK COUNTRY
Those who are no longer ignorant of History may relive it,
without the Blood, Sweat, and Tears.
With apologies to George Santayana & W. S. Churchill

"As Mark Twain once put it, "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."


Quote from: Sir Charles deMoutonBlack on February 13, 2008, 08:52:01 AM
... Wouldn't I.G.Baker of Fort Benton be a likely conduit for the revolvers purchased in the West? ...

I don't think so, at least not for most of the locally purchased revolvers.  Apparently, one of the only things known for sure about the revolvers acquired in the West is that the majority of them came from the HBC (based on purchase receipts submitted to the Dept. of Militia.) 

As settlement of the Canadian West began in earnest in the 1870's,  I.G. Baker was actually the main direct competitor of the retail stores being established in the new towns by the Hudson's Bay Company, so it seems very unlikely that the HBC would use them as a wholesale supplier.    (American concerns like I.G. Baker got their foothold in some of the fledgling communities on the Canadian prairies before the Canadian Pacific Raliway was constructed, when they had a competitive advantage through lower transportation costs to Fort Benton, from which well established freighting trails branched out into the Canadian North West.  As you know, I.G. Baker was a major supplier of the NWMP in the 1870's and early 1880's, which likely forms the basis for your question.)

However,the CPR eliminated that advantage and sounded the death knell for the American retailers - for example, I.G. Baker sold all of its Canadian operations to the the HBC in 1891 ....
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier


Quote from: Icebox Bob on February 12, 2008, 07:55:37 PM
The perfect mate for your '76..   .....  Was there another one, wherever you found that one??????

Yessirree, Bob!  I must admit that I'm plumb "smilin' like a butcher's dog"!

Matter of fact, the fellow I got this revolver from does have another .... but he's keeping it!   :(

I do know where another two "Canadian" 1878 DA's are currently for sale ... drop me a line.
Rattlesnake Jack Robson, Scout, Rocky Mountain Rangers, North West Canada, 1885
Major John M. Robson, Royal Scots of Canada, 1883-1901
Sgt. John Robson, Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, 1885
Bvt. Col, Commanding International Dept. and Div.  of Canada, Grand Army of the Frontier

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