Posse member?

Started by Ol Gabe, October 22, 2007, 10:26:58 AM

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Ol Gabe

Pards & Pardettes, All,
This past weekend an old Pard called to jaw for awhile and asked if I was going to renew my CVR membership, I 'splained to him that I wasn't a member anymore and hadn't been for years. He thought that since my family sponsored an annual Shoot with the CVR that I was a member of the Posse.
After we concluded our chat, I could easily see how he or others may think that through my posts promoting Big Bore Shoots that I am affiliated or directly posting for that Posse, when in fact I do so only from an 'information only' point of view. If that has been confusing I apologize for any misconceptions.
At the present time I am only a member of NCOWS in good standing and no Posse. I heartily encourage all CAS-related events and orgs but am not affiliated with any one specific club.
My family will continue to support the CVR 'Strand's Stand Mid & Long Range Shoot' until it goes the way of the Buffalo. We also sponsor the 'Billy Dixon Long Range Shoot' held each Spring in New South Wales, Australia, as a way of encouraging international interest in the BPCR hobby. In the past we have also sponsored the 'National Buffalo Shoot' held in conjunction with the annual NCOWS National Shoot and hope to do so again.
So, if you ever see/read my name at the end of a post listing an event it is only done so as a way to encourage all others that might find it of interest and in no way, shape or form indicates that I have anything other than a passing interest in the event, its organizers or sponsoring Posse, and if I do I'll let everyone know up front!
Best regards and good promoting!
'Ol Gabe
NCOW #925

French Jack

Gabe, on behalf of the JCR and the past two National Shoots and the Eastern Regional three years ago, I wish to thank you again for your support of the Long Range matches.  My hat's off to you!

BTW, I am sure that someone will be hitting you up to support the Long Range match at the coming National.
French Jack

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