Battle Rifle

Started by Steel Horse Bailey, October 18, 2007, 10:02:06 AM

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Steel Horse Bailey

To whom it may concern:

I've been following the Battle Rifle postings with interest and have a couple questions.

I have one of the 1888 Commission Rifles - made in Ger-mermany, I'm pretty sure, as well as Arsenal re-bored (and marked --"S") for the Spitzer larger, pointed bullet.  It is also Turkish marked in a few places, including the sights.  It's a real shooter and was quite a bargain when I bought it over 30 yrs ago at Woolco for less than $28.  So much for its history.  First of all, being Turkish marked, is it legal?

Then, I have NO possible way to put together a uniform ($$$ !!) or purchase a suitable sidearm that would fit the rifle - providing it's legal.  (Yes - I saw the list showing the 1888 "Mauser" as it's commonly known, but with the Turkish thing - and with Turkey having made some - and me not knowing FOR SURE that mine is German made - well, you see my quandary.)  So - would this fit the requirement?  My impression would be that of an ex-German Army soldier, about 1899, who - having purchased the 1888 from a shady supply soldier AFTER the newer Mausers were issued, and then immigrated to America where I headed West, to seek my fortune.

Does that sound plausible enough to shoot at next year's GAF Muster?  I'd really LOVE to shoot the old gal some more, and I've found a source (Meister) who sells a .323", 170 gr. lead bullet - to be legal.  It would be perfectly acceptable TO ME if I had to load those rounds with BP, but I'm thinking that the 1888 came AFTER the dawn of nitro powders.  Right?

What say you, Col. Pitspitr, sir, or Sgt. Drydock?
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


MAA Sgt. Drydock is the right one for a definative answer on your questions, but let me say, even if you wouldn't shoot it in the battle rifle class, bring it with you if you want. Right now I'm planning a couple of side matches you could use it in if you want to sent some rounds down range
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life


It is acceptable, as long as it is still in Military configuration, not sporterized.

Smokeless is fine, I'd reccomend a charge of XMP-5744.

No, you do not have to shoot it in a Turkish Uniform.   Partial uniforms, field expediancy, and irregular service is recognized.  Commission 88s were used all over the place, so suiting up as you say would be fine.  You could also do a German impression, or a Mexican Revolutionary, or a Boer, or any number of irregular outfits.  We're no stitch nazis, come as you are. 

Please read the Standards again, and understand that the Handgun is related in PERIOD to the rifle, not the exact issue sidearm, though that is desirable.  It is understood that some rifle/handgun combonations are difficult to impossible to achieve, so resonable substitutions are always allowed.  IE when in doubt, a single action revolver is always acceptable.
Civilize them with a Krag . . .

Pony Racer

I'll be sending you more info on the French berthier carbine and rifle.  The info I had saying not designed/built until 1907 was wrong

It turns out that it was made in 1892 as a three shot rifle/carbine and then in 1907 someone designed a 5 round magazine that mated up to the rifle gave it two more capacity.  I'll send you more info later - but i would think that the rifle/carbine especially in the original three shot capacity would definitely fit into the Battle rifle category.

It fires same cartridge as lebel rifle.


GAF 239
Pony Pulling Daddy
Member Fire & Brimstone Posse
Having fun learning the ways of the cowboy gun

Steel Horse Bailey

Pitspitr & Sgt. Drydock, thanks!

Glad to hear that can shoot the beast.

Sgt. Drydock, yep - it's in totally stock military stock condition.  I understand that the ones of these that were sporterized usually started by cutting A LOT of barrel and removing (and throwing away) that cool barrel jacket - that, IMHO, gives it a more interesting appearance.  The ONLY thing I don't have that could make it more stock would be a bayonet/scabbard/frog.  Well, I wouldn't mind finding the right cleaning/disassembly tools, either ... I guess Midway/Tipton/Hoppes/Outers will do for now.  ;)  Do you know anywhere I can find out what bayonets were appropriate with this rifle?

As to my impression, yeah - I'm glad the rules are lenient.  As I said, I plan to be an immigrant, so that would allow me to not worry about finding a correct period/area/issue sidearm, and allow me to get what I could find here ... like a single action revolver.  Which you mentioned.  :D

Again, thanks. 
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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