Rude Smokeless Shooter

Started by Grapeshot, October 02, 2007, 11:13:30 AM

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charlie macneil

I've only done two shoots so far with BP. At the first one, there were just some giggles as I was trying to find the rifle targets. At the second shoot, one young gent who fought fire this summer made the comment that he'd eaten enough smoke this summer, he didn't need to eat any more, but he was grinning when he said it. A rain storm was making its way towards us, and I heard one of my favorite shooters say, again in fun, "If we get rained on it'll be old smoke and thunder there's fault. He's bringing that storm this way!"

I've done my share of coughing (faking it) when other shooters lit up the smoky stuff before I started shooting BP, but that smoke was part of what brought me to shooting the black. And now I can't stop grinning whenever I'm shooting it. Or, to quote me when I came off the line after my very first BP stage, "Is that cool or what?!?"
Dang them voices have good ideas sometimes!

Ransom Gaer

Most of the time when I get kidded about my BP shootin' it's in fun.  On some occasions there are folks that are absolutely fascinated by what I am doing, both other shooters or spectators.  This is primarily when I'm shootin' my cap and ball pistols.  And with some of the smokeless shooters, despite their kidding me they show me a certain amount of respect for what I'm doing because with cap and ball there are some challenges they don't have to deal with.  And they kind of feel it is too much for them.  Most of the pards I shoot with are out to have fun.  I think the sourpusses, both smokeless and BP, are a very small minority.

I have only run into one person who was really irritated by what I was doing.  And the irony is that his attitude hurt him more than it ever hurt me.  I was too busy having fun.  And as far as I am concerned he can shoot whatever he wants.  If he ever decides to shoot BP I will be more than happy to help him if he asks.

Ransom Gaer
Pvt Ransom Geer Co D 34th Virginia Infantry Regiment
Soot Lord

Four-Eyed Buck

I'm still in the cloudless group, but don't have a problem with the ones who make clouds of white smoke with sulpher and a tinge of beeswax smell to go with it. Mostly hear some good natured kidding sometimes, but never anything nasty. We've got quite a few BP shooters in this area, and they're pretty good, too. ;D
By the by, I've got a couple '51 Navies in the safe that are just begging to be used. And, there's a brace of 38-40's that'd work pretty good with BP as well...................Buck 8) ::) ;)
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....

J.D. Yellowhammer

Quote from: Steel Horse Bailey on October 07, 2007, 10:00:41 AM
If yer talkin' shootin', dirty OR clean is be-you-ti-full!
;) ;) ;D

Most fun ya can have with yer clothes on! 

I was shootin' my 45-70 today with big loads of Swiss and 538g bullets--there's something magical about creating thunder, lightning and huge clouds while getting kicked back on yer butt.  ;D
Lunarian, n.  An inhabitant of the moon, as distinguished from Lunatic, one whom the moon inhabits. (Ambrose Bierce).  Which one are you?

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