Shotshell lube

Started by Oregon Bill, August 28, 2007, 11:09:09 AM

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Flinch Morningwood

I have been using the Hammer Double Brass shells (16 ga) for a while along with all their associated parts, including the pre-lubed wad.  I am in the process of trying out Cheddite plastic shells just because, even after a professional polishing of the chamber, those  brass shells just won't shuck...probably pilot error and not mechanical malfunction but........

I use Pyrodex in my shells just because I am trying to get rid of a bottle of RS size and haven't had any problems yet...but will be switching to Goex once the Pyrodex runs out.

My cleaning process is, after the first 3 stages, take a squirt bottle of 1:7 Moosemilk and squirt it down the barrels from the chamber end.  I give it a couple seconds and then run my bore snake down each barrel...the barrel comes out nice and shiny.  I also do it again before I leave the range (on all my guns)...might as well be messy there rather than in my shop.

When I get home, I toss my boresnakes in a bucket of water overnight 'cause they are DIRTY...then I hang them from my porch to drip dry during the day and toss them in the laundry bag that night with the rest of my cowboy clothes...that process tends to keep the majority of crud from entering momma's laundry enviroment...

QUESTION - If I am using a fiber wad (lubed or unlubed), will I still have a plastic in the barrel problem from the case?  I use a roll crimp if it makes any difference...
"I'll kill a man in a fair fight. Or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight."

- Jayne Cobb

Steel Horse Bailey

Well, Sundance - it's a month later and you should have plenty of new cloths to play with. lol

There's a secret to marital harmony (not martial) if you do the dirty rag/boresnake deal: you have to run the washer, with soap, empty  for a short cycle to rid the washer of excess oil and grime.
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


I quit using lube in shotshells years ago.  STS hulls, powder, 2 Circlefly .5" wads, shot and crimp.   After the match, run the garden hose down each barrel for a minute, push a couple of wadded up paper towels thru to dry, shoot some Ballistol down each barrel and put away.
Civilize them with a Krag . . .


SteelHorse I`m expecting a new batch just any day now ... ;D
Had to buy a new washing machine last weekend ...the old one was makeing old noises so she bought a new one ..
Wish I had a place in my shop for the old one ..could put it to use for a while yet .
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You boys gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie

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