"Loads" of fun!

Started by Steel Horse Bailey, September 24, 2007, 11:26:56 PM

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Steel Horse Bailey

Howdy pards!

I recently acquired a 2nd Gen. Colt (USA made, I think - right before the Uberti thing), 1st Model Dragoon, and equipped it with TRESO cones and a Walker flask from Thunder Ridge Muzzleloading. (GREAT service!)  I was able to try it out last week with various loads from 30 grs. to nearly 50 grs. - which is the load Colt designed it for.  Like a Waker, with FULL loads, it often caused the lever to fall, even 'tho the Dragoon has a type of external latch, unlike the Walker.  Well, some may know that the Walker flask is adjustable so I was able to get it to throw a (measured) 42 gr. charge.  Boy, howdy!!   The latch stays where it's supposed to and the fire-smoke-and BOOM are a thing of beauty!  (Yes - I KNOW that it's overkill.  For SOME ranges perhaps, but not our new range we shoot at for our NEW NCOWS club, the Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society.)  http://smvsposse.home.insightbb.com/index.htm  OK, perhaps the pistol targets aren't 50 yds. away, but they're further, and many are smaller than at most clubs.

Anyway, our inaugural shoot was last Saturday (the 22nd) and our founder, Ottowa Creek Bill, was on hand with his video camera to record some of the fun!  A pard called me up and said that my Colt was seen belching LOTS of smoke in the video compilation.  Alas, MY confuser is still using Windows ME (perhaps the worst piece of crap sorry, garbage ever foisted off on an unsuspecting American public) and I can't see it, but if you have Win. XP, you can.  When I win the Lottery ...  ::)

Here's a link to the video: http://www.cascity.com/castv.htm?bcpid=716337934&bclid=823382883&bctid=1197714975

Enjoy!  Thanks to OC Bill for taking/editing the video and Marshal H for allowing the video on this CAS City site!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Halfway Creek Charlie

Aren't those Second Gens something else. Mine don't boom like that but they are still mighty fine to shoot. Mine are 1851 Navies and I love them. I need a pair of 1860 Armiesin Second Gen too.
Got a pair of Belgian Centaur Colts and they bark right smartly too. Cap and Ball is a hoot to shoot.

Shooting History (original), Remy NMA Conversions, 1863 New Model Pocket Model C.F. Conversion, Remy Model 1889 12Ga. Coach Gun
2nd. Gen. "C" Series Colt 1851 Navies
Centennial Arms/Centaur 1860 Armies
1860 Civilian Henry 45LC (soon to be 44 Henry Flat C.F.(Uberti)
Remingon Creedmore Rolling Block 45-70 (Pedersoli)

"Cut his ears off and send them to that Marshall in Sheridan" Prentice Ritter

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity

Sunwapta Haze

Great video.  Looks like everyone one had a lot of fun.  You boys sure use some challenging targets.
Vaya con Dios, Amigos

Sunwapta Haze
Darkside Acolyte

Mad Mucus

"Outlaw firearms and only the outlaws will have them."

Paladin UK



I Gotta tell ya..........

That video......................

Wuz in my `pinion..............

The BEST demonstration.............

Of the Holy Black...............

Bein shot by.................

Reeeeeeeeeeell Soot Lords.......

Jest havin a Goooooooood time...........

`n NOT A GAMER IN SIGHT!!.............

Bloody Brill.............

Paladin (What lurvs the Holy Black ;D ) UK
I Ride with the `Picketts Hill Marshals`..... A mean pistol packin bunch a No goods

The UK`s 1st Warthog!!... Soot Lord, and Profound believer in tha....`Holy Black` 
MASTER... The Sublyme & Holy Order of the Soot (SHOTS)
  BWSS#033  SCORRS  SBSS#836L  STORM#303

Real Cowboys Shoot with BLACK POWDER!!

 Paladins Web Site

     Paladins Very Own Shotshell Loader This is an animaton so it takes a while fer the 1st page ta go..


Looked like a fun shoot.  It's really strange watching a shoot with all that greenery about, I've shot CAS for almost 20 years in the Southern California and Arizona deserts and the lush background you have is certainly different.

Looks like you also have a bit of wind to blow the smoke away so you can see the next target.
The man who beats his sword into a plowshare shall farm for the man who did not.

SASS 976, NRA Life
Los Vaqueros and Tombstone Ghost Riders, Tucson/Tombstone, AZ.
Alumnus of Hole in the Wall Gang, Piru, CA, Panorama Sportsman's Club, Sylmar, CA, Ojai Desperados, Ojai, CA, SWPL, Los Angeles, CA

Steel Horse Bailey


Flint, actually the wind was pretty still since it was pretty deep into the forest, but there was just enough breeze to keep the smoke manageable!  And it generally came from straight behind us.

Pal. UK, yea - we have an abundance of real BP shooters.  NCOWS as a whole is heavy with BP shooters - perhaps 35-45%, but our new club is probably 60-75% BP shooters.  Birds of a feather ...  ;)

There's room for all kinds here!  ;D  BP or Smokeyless ... Single Action or Double ... it's ALL fun!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

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