Posse name on joining NCOWS ?

Started by Marshal Deadwood, June 19, 2007, 07:42:36 PM

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Marshal Deadwood

Since, I oft am mis-understood in my post, I wish to take it slowerrr and ask it in an understandable way for all.

If, one started an NCOWS posse, could you retain your organization/group/posse name ?

For instance, the  posse name at our range will be 'The Pale Horse Posse'...could I retain that name if I was to host an NCOWS posse ?

Thanks guys

Marshal Deadwood    *Marshal of The Pale Horse Posse and the Grim Reaper Riders ::))

Black River Smith

I won't be able to answer your question directly because I was never involved in setting up a posse from scratch.

What I did want to say is:  Don't be offended if you do not get an immediate or definitive answer.  This week is the NCOWS National Shoot and therefore most of the Exec's and people that could or would regularly be able to answer a question like this are unavailable.  Not back until Monday (6/25), most likely.

They are busy having a world of fun at the Nationals.

A quick glance through the By-laws, I see nothing that restricts or limits or regulates the naming of a posse.  I guess as long as the same name does not exist in NCOWS, it could be used, but that is an obvious remark.
Black River Smith


 You can call your posse whatever you like. Us girls have our own posse and we are the
Beaver Creek Social Club. Beaver Creek runs through the range here.
Thus the name.
  I have never read or heard that there is anything as a rule for naming your posse and I have been a member for. lets see, 12 years.(I think)
Good luck to your endever.
I don't have the privelelge of attending the National Shoot this year as one of my daughter is getting married in 2 weeks and family takes first place at this house. Last year it was a baby this year a wedding. Maybe 2008 will be different. I never know for sure about the baby thing though.
Oh,wait, we are getting a baby this Thursday and she is going to get lots of loving. Daughter #2 is getting a foster daughter, 10 monthes old. Can't wait to get my hands on her

River City John

We have had one restriction for insurance purposes. If you are a dual posse club under both SASS and NCOWS and use the same name, you will need to pick a distinct NCOWS posse name to differentiate it from the SASS posse for insurance and reimbursement purposes. It has led to confusion for the insurance companies in the past when two clubs use the same name but conduct separate events under each organization's rules.
So, other than that, and of course a certain amount of decorum, there are no restrictions to how you wish to name your NCOWS posse.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275

Marshal Deadwood

Thank you River,,,this would be NCOWS only with no affiliation to SASS.

So,you think the title,,,'The Pale Horse Posse',,would be a go . assuming no other club has taken it ?

And, I wish to view and study the NCOWS by-laws in-dept to the last degree,,,to keep from making a similar error like the other day bout the Rugers and BP. Would someone be so generous at to provide me the link to said by-laws ?

Thank you

Marshal Deadwood

Dutch Limbach

Here is the link to the By-Laws posted on the NCOWS web site;

good luck with your posse.

"Men do not differ much about what they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable."
-- G. K. Chesterton

"I guess when you turn off the main road, you have to be prepared to see some funny houses."
-- Stephen King


Love the name. "It's quoted in the Bible, Revelations: Behold the pale horse. The man who sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him." -- Johnny Ringo, Tombstone
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vêtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

River City John

Let's just be thankful. What if Marshall had decided that "The Pale Ass Posse" would have sounded way cool?  ;D :o ;) :P 

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275


I think a lot of us could join that one. ;D  That is if we wear our braces. ::)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Quote from: Frenchie on June 23, 2007, 12:25:33 AM
Love the name. "It's quoted in the Bible, Revelations: Behold the pale horse. The man who sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him." -- Johnny Ringo, Tombstone

Also by Megan Wheeler in Pale Rider. ;D
"Finest partner I ever had.  Cleans his paws and buries his leavin's.  Lot more than some folks I know."


"I fumbled through my closet for my clothes, And found my cleanest dirty shirt" - K.Kristofferson

Mick Archer

  Howdy Pards!

  The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Seals' white, red, and black horses and their riders are not so swell either...   ;)  :)

   Mick Archer
   A Ghostly Whiter Shade of Pale Posse
Mick Archer and his evil twin brother Faux Cowchild

Irish Dave

Marshal D:

I can see no reason why the "Pale Horse Posse" would not be perfectly acceptible for a posse name.

RCJ (a former Executive Committee member) has told you exactly right. Provided it's a separate entity and within certain guides of decorum /good taste, you're free to name your posse as you wish unless some  other NCOWS posse has taken it already.

Hope this helps.
Dave Scott aka Irish Dave
NCOWS Marshal Retired
NCOWS Senator and Member 132-L
Great Lakes Freight & Mining Co.
SASS 5857-L
NRA Life


Steel Horse Bailey

Looks good, Marshall Deadwood.  We'd be PROUD to have you join us in the fun!!!

I think "The Pale Horse Posse and the Grim Reaper Riders" would be a GREAT name posse.  I's be proud to join if I were in the right area of the country!

hmmm ... Pale A$$ Posse.  ??  Don't think so - but it suits!  :o :o

Mick, yer right: them others were bad dudes, too!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Lone Gunman

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on June 19, 2007, 10:37:51 PM
And, I wish to view and study the NCOWS by-laws in-dept to the last degree...

Dead Wood, I looked high & low for you at the Nationals last week so I could present you with your very own copy of the Tally Book.  When I couldn't find you I figured you was bushwhacked on the way to Hooten fer sure. PM me your address & I'll drop it in the mail to you.
George "Lone Gunman" Warnick

"...A man of notoriously vicious & intemperate disposition"

Marshal Deadwood

Boys, I think this is my game plan.

To have this Pale Horse Posse and the Grim Reaper Riders shoot to be a 'non-NCOWS' shoot, but with the mission to spread the word that an NCOWS posses is to be formed.

That solves my delima of meeting new shooters not familiar with CAS'ing and YET prod them toward a historic oriented shooting group. (NCOWS)

Two birds down.  By spring time, I hope to have been in contact with NCOWS and have The Pale Horse Posse of the Grim Reaper Riders established, and have scheduled shoots at least by mid-spring.

But, I do think this first shoot at the range,,would be better to just let shooters 'come out' without having to meet a great deal of historic guidelines.  Any of us there that are of a historic bend, can turn a blind eye and focus on 'educatin' the guys as to what cowboy shootin' with a historic sense is. And, I'm sure some of you guys and gals that come, can be of more benefit to the 'new to cas' gang than I can. AND, your coming out, and helping, even though it wouldn't be an official NCOWS shoot,,WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED.

Does this sound like a reasonable idea ?,,,to gather interest before forming the posse ? At least, the club would then have scouts that had been to the range and could spread the word about the 'comming organization.'

Lone Gunman, I will shoot you an email just in a few minutes sir.

Marshal Deadwood   *who, due to gas prices, and having already done a few other '18th' century events early this year.. didn't make it to Hooten..sorry guys.

Books OToole


Your basic plan is sound.  However with nearly 30 years experience with various living history organizations and historic sites, I have found that it is easier to start out with your authenticity standards high, than to try and tighten up later.  By all means have your relaxed standards CAS shoot.  But when you start to recruit your posse, make sure they know your minimum standards.


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Steel Horse Bailey


I don't have Books' 30 years experience, but what he says is sound.  I'll add this:  ALL NCOWS new folks (and SASS too) have a grace period to "get up to standards" so to speak.  No one HAS to be perfect at Day 1.  This is important to know, IMHO, due to things monetary - if you catch my drift.  I waited nearly 2 years before going to my first match because I THOUGHT I had to meet the standards B-4 attending.  I missed out on a LOT of fun.  If someone is interested and shows up, it won't be long until they get the "bug."  The grace period is typically a year.  I've seen folks show up wearing several pieces of modern clothes (ball caps, T-shirts, etc.) and perhaps one pistol.  It grows from there.

Have fun, pard!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"

Deadeye Don

Being a relative "newbie" to NCOWS I can attest to what SHB said.  There are no period correct police at the NCOWS matches, only caring, helpful pards who want you to join in on the fun that they have been having.  I actually think it is wise to start out slow and gradually build your "tools", clothing etc. to match the person you want to be.  I have a few items now that I wish I had not spent the money on, so they sit in a closet awaiting a garage sale some day. 

Marshall Deadwood,  The more I read your postings, the more I am convinced that NCOWS is the right "home" for you.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company


Marshal Deadwood,
If I can get off work I'll come down and help and/or participate. I would love for us to be able to have a venue closer then IN or KY for cowboy events other then SASS. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy SASS for what it is, a nice social activity with some shooting. If we had a NCOWS club a mile from me I would still go shoot SASS because I have met some nice people and it gives me a chance to shoot guns that I enjoy shooting. I like NCOWS because it seems like it will be more like "buck skinning" in the late 19th Century. OK, a little more shooting then buck skinning but still there is more emphasis on trying to do things the way they did them back then. Different activites in my book. Anyhow once you get the dates set for the shoot let us know!
Mild Myles

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